View Full Version : Abcsess worry

09-05-14, 20:55
I've had a tooth abcsess since Monday, was given antibiotics and it burst yesterday while I was asleep and I swallowed some of the pus, dr says it won't harm me but I still can't help but worry! Reading online about how the infection can cause problems with the heart and brain and even kill you. Some did leak I didn't swallow all but is there anyway it wauld have got into my blood stream? So worried!!

09-05-14, 21:14
u will be fine I have had many of burst absess in my mouth and have also swallowed some it wont do u any harm,

09-05-14, 21:37
Hi sorry you are having to cope with a dental abscess they are the pits, I had one years ago and had to have the tooth removed.
Anyway I read on the NHS site so that is possibly the best place to check, dental abscesses don't kill you and It bursting and the puss going into your stomache want hurt you, I think what you are mixing it up with is that really bad teeth can cause problems in the body so you are safe.

09-05-14, 22:08
Don't worry I think the bursting is a good sign x