View Full Version : whats happening..feeling bad

09-05-14, 21:19
I feel like a yo-yo..up and down and all around.. On Monday I had a decent day and since then i feel really bad. I am finally on 10mg of cit and I have constant nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach and a jittery, vibrating feeling thru my body and feel on the verge of major panic attack..I have been taking liquid cit, because I am so sensitive to meds..So it has taken me 8 weeks to get to the 10mg..I split it, have with breakfast, half with lunch..My doc just switched it to tablets..She said split those 1/2 breakfast, 1/2 lunch. She felt possiblly since I am now on 10mg, the liquid absorbs so quick it could be effecting me, maybe the tablets will be better...I don't know!!! I don't understand why I felt better on Monday and now feel like crap..It is like this horrible, nervous fearful feeling in my lower stomach..I hope switching from liquid to tablets will not cause more side effects...I was given the generic brand by mylan...Sorry to complain so much..Just need some reassurance. I really don't want to stop and start all over again on something else..Help...debbie

09-05-14, 22:28
Hey Debbie, sorry to hear you are not so well.

I had a real blip a few weeks back but I did straighten out again and now I feel ok. I don't think too much about taking my Cit anymore, in fact I forgot yesterday!

Hope things pick up for you mate.

09-05-14, 22:33
I feel for you Debbie, looking back to 2011 when I started the med go round I was pretty much upped and down doses over a few short weeks. I think staying at a dose for a few weeks is the way to go. Keep on keeping on:hugs:

10-05-14, 07:34
Stay at 10mgs for a few weeks and let it settle. :)

10-05-14, 13:30
best answer what Sarah said stay on 10 for a few weeks i had the same problem its your body getting used to it citalopram helped me the 1st time i took it but the 2nd time i went back on it it increased my anxiety i gave it up after 5 weeks i was on 20mg 10mg side effects wasn't as bad

10-05-14, 16:52
Thanks for all the replies..I really appreciate it..It is just so frustrating when you feel like you are making some improvement, then bamm! you feel bad again. As soon as I open my eyes the jittery, nervous feeling is there and it is so intense. I start the tablets today instead of the liquid, keeping fingers crossed..thanks again:yesyes: