View Full Version : hi

09-05-14, 22:40
Hi i am 57, and have suffered with this anxiety/depression thing for about 7 months - ever since I had replacement lens surgery eye op. Never knew this awful experience existed an was a very different person before. My life, as you all probably know, is on hold. Is this at all recoverable? Hope is what I cling to and have tried all what has been advised ie talking therapy, yoga, excercise, healthy diet,volunteering at charity shop, talking to family/friends. Doctor has prescribed citalipram which in 4months didnt change anything so wanted me to change to velaflaxine but on weaning off first drug I decided not to take it as I heard it was probably for life as coming off was so difficult. Feeling so desperate as I am sure you all know about - any advice pls? My husband is very kind andsupportive but I am someone else now and fear losing him.

09-05-14, 22:54
Hello, it's definitely recoverable and you can do it! It takes a long long time but just keep chipping away at all the anxiety and depression, and hopefully you will start to feel better soon. It might not be 'back to normal' but you can still enjoy life and do everything you want to! I wish you luck in your recovery, don't give up :)

10-05-14, 21:44
Thanks kimberly5 thats very reassuring. Will keep trying and one day hopefully get happiness again x

10-05-14, 22:25
Hi charlie and welcome ,you can get better its just along road but keep going forward small steps do something everyday keep busy as in your mind ,also have some you time relax listen to some relaxing music get yourself some self help books but most of all dont give up go and find yourself again dont let anxiety take control you need to take care love xx