View Full Version : Heart Rate Slower Than Normal and Eyes Feel Weird

07-12-06, 22:47
I had an episode of getting up to go use the bathroom and everything looked weird and I felt as though I was going to pass out.I came back to the bed and sat for a bit and then went again.For the last few days I have been having postitional vertigo with a little dizziness and just plain weirdness.I have a sinus ear infection and running a low grade fever.In the past i have usually had a faster pulse then normal when sick,but over the last three or four months lost about 30 pounds.I have 65 pulse during the night time and then a almost perfect 72 during the daytime.For the last few days I have been taking zoloft and my anti anxiety medicine the way it should be taken and also a beta blocker..My pulse stays around 63 and when I eat it goes to about 72 is there something wrong with my heartrate going down that much.. maybe heart failure or something or is it just because I have been in bed for three days?I got up a little this morning but my heart rate still didnt go that fast..Is this something bad or affects of the medicine of just because I have been resting alot..Im really worried about it all.When i get up my eyes react to the light strangely .Its like I might be getting dizzy again and im getting paranoid to try and get up..is this all in my mind ? Please help

07-12-06, 23:40
hi i had alot of trouble with th eye thing and def the lights making me feel like i was going to pass out.its another sympton again.i actually went for a eye test and needed glasses for reading,they have helped alot with the problem,just a thought.tc tracy

08-12-06, 04:24
Never mind ,found out that most of this is attributed to side effects from zoloft including low heart beat..My heart has never beat this slow in my life especially after eating.. and also ive had many more skipped beats since taking it..

08-12-06, 09:35

I think 65 beats in the night is a healthy heart beat and it should come down when you are resting. Also remember the point of the the beta blocker is to slow your heart beat down. My mother's heart beat was 24 before she had a pace maker fitted!! She is 77 and well.

I would suggest you stop checking your pulse as this is only increasing your anxiety.

Take Care.
