View Full Version : Bowel Cancer / IBD Fear

Cowardly Lion
10-05-14, 09:10

This is my first post on the forum, but I've been reading this for comfort for the last two years since my health anxiety started! This health scare warrants a post though...and I really am going into too much detail so please stop here if you can't handle it!

So I'm 22, very young to be thinking of bowel cancer but not too young to have it. It started in February of this year, with sudden onset of cramps accompanying diarrhoea. This diarrhoea was unlike any I'd had before in that one entire bowel movement during this period was mucus, and another was a paste like liquid mixed with some blood. The diarrhoea disappeared after a few days, but ever since that initial outburst, certain symptoms have been ever-present. Stool has been a slightly lighter colour, very often mixed with a small amount of blood and sometimes thinner than usual. Sometimes I have minor constipation and small 'pebble-like' stools as well. Additionally, I have increased flatulence, which is never nice. I also get on and off sharp abdominal pain and sometimes cramps. The last few days have been the worst since the initial outburst, and I've reverted to diarrhoea-like stool and nightmarish cramps.

So what have I done about this? I first thought I had food poisoning and had a test to see what it was, get antibiotics etc. The test came back negative which sent my health anxiety into overload. When the GP told me at my age and with my background (no cancer in the family), the odds were 1000-1 I had bowel cancer, that was enough to worry me to death. I am very fortunate to have private medical insurance through my work, and I got straight onto a gastroenterologist. When I saw this guy, he was not concerned. He ordered some blood tests, and everything largely came back fine, bar increased bilirubin, an extremely minor potassium deficiency and HGB of 17.1 (he said I should only be worried above 18 and the upper 'normal' threshold is 17...not far off). I then had a sigmoidoscopy and the specialist took a couple of random samples which showed nothing - no sign of cancerous cells or inflammation. Since the start and to this day, the specialist is adamant it is post-infectious IBS, but to my mind and the mind of Dr Google, IBS doesn't cause blood mixed in stool (I should say now that haemorrhoids and fissures have also even ruled out by rectal exam and sigmoidoscopy). He thinks the blood is 'just normal passage of blood'...despite it coming in the form of fresh red blood and what I believe look like small clots.

Since my worst symptoms resurfaced the other day, I am looking into the matter again with renewed suspicion that I am unfortunately correct in my self diagnosis of something more ominous than IBS, but I am prepared and happy to be proven wrong. I have the belief that the medical professionals take my health anxiety as a catch all for my symptoms; it's all physical manifestations of my mind. Believe me, my health anxiety is bad and has caused a lot of pain in my life over the last two years, but it doesn't cause this - not in my eyes at least.

I'd be interested to know if people have had similar symptoms or experiences, and basically just to get some calmness back into my life. I leave a stressful life and most of my friends and family put it down to that...I don't. I feel as if everyone is putting me into either a basket of stress or health anxiety and until my symptoms disappear, I will remain as worried as ever. Finally (and sorry for the essay), I am booking an appointment with the GP imminently up discuss further, and I will be seeing the gastroenterologist in another three or four weeks. I've been prescribed with some IBS drugs and told to get them (I haven't yet...but will this week).

Interested to hear everyone's thoughts, and thanks for putting up with my dreadfully long first thread!

10-05-14, 10:45
Hi CLion,

There's a lot of support as well as information on the site. There are in fact, hundreds of posts that are similar to yours here on the boards. Your post is not unusual in that you continue to doubt the opinions and test results of medical professionals. That's indicative of HA. Your symptoms are definitely consistent with anxiety related IBS. Self diagnosis and Dr. Google are not the basis of which to counter the facts and validate your fears. In fact, Dr. Google will only exasperate them.

I suggest you fill those prescriptions and speak to your GP about your fears & stresses in your life as they're definitely affecting you to the point that your friends and family are noticing. Finding ways to reduce your stress and relieve your anxiety over your health will go much further than chasing a diagnosis that will never come. 1000:1 odds are pretty solid and I think they're actually higher. I'd be willing to place a gentleman's bet you don't have cancer if you're so inclined. It's easy money based on "no sign of cancerous cells or inflammation. " ;)

Also speak to your GP about your diet. There may be some foods or habits that are contributing to your stomach and bowel issues.

Positive thoughts

10-05-14, 14:24

I was 28 nearly 29 when I thought I had bowel cancer, I had a lot of scans/camera up my backside because of my abdominal pain, ruling things out. I am now 30.
The GPs said to me including the specialist (my Dad took me to the specialist at the GP) she must have said for someone your age with no bowel cancer in the family, she said something like 1 in 20,000+ people in my age range (I know I should not read facts on line of the number of people with bowel cancer under 30)

Have you been back to the GP to refer you to test to reassurance yourself. As Fishmanpa has said yes asked about your diet.

I used to have bad abdominal pain eating Chicken en croute, but since I have not eating it for a while my abdominal pains have gone down a lot, also try drinking more water and if you do like drinking soda/pop try to cut this down.

10-05-14, 18:13
Hi Cowardly Lion

I am going through this too. Had your gp or GI doc tested your stool for something called calprotectin?

I've had this tested and mine has come back showing inflammation so I have to have a colonoscopy and my gp has said possible ibd