View Full Version : Fear I will get mesothelioma

10-05-14, 09:54
I worked on a construction site in the uk for a year and one of my jobs was to do some setting out on/survey an outdoor brownfield site for a new building. This went on for several months and would involve me walking around on site.
Anyway we were told that there was some asbestos on site in the form of asbestos bonded cement but it made up about 0.001% of the site, at most. and it was in fragments. This was from a controlled implosion 10 years ago.
My concern is that I may have stepped on some of these fragments and taken some of the asbestos on my soles and I could have taken some when walking off site back to office and there might even be some on the pedals as I used my car once with those shoes on, a day or two after being on site.
With the exception of maybe stepping on these asb/cem fragments, we didn't do anything else like drill into the ground. That was done by specialists and we kept away from the test areas.
This was a few months ago but I've only started thinking about it now. I haven't been to gp because I've heard they never want to say there is no or negligible risk in case of being sued. All other workers who are on that site don't seem bothered and have been on asbestos awareness course like me.

10-05-14, 10:05
Strict safety guidelines would have been adhered to on a site that may have involved asbestos. As you stated there was a very minimal about of asbestos involved in this site. You would have to have breathed in a much larger amount for it to have been a risk to you.
My husband worked on building sites in the 1960's were asbestos was widely used. He is 66 now and he has asbestos in the pleura around his lung but it is not affecting his health in any way.
This will not happen to you because no building site now would put you at risk and there was not enough of the substance on the site to put you at risk. The people at risk are those who are breaking up old asbestos but now they take safety precautions and wear protective clothing and masks.