View Full Version : Very worried about heart vibration feeling

10-05-14, 18:00
Hello everyone,
I'm so worried about these heart related symptoms. :(
For one, I can almost constantly feel my heart beat in my chest if I sit still, also in my back, and even in my hands.

Last time I went to the doctors was around 8 months ago so I was a while back. He didn't do any tests on my heart but he checked my blood pressure and bpm and everything was great. I also check my bpm manually and with my phone app and everything is normal. Although I am still able to feel my heart beat almost always.

I've also developed this new symptom of a vibrating feeling in my chest that is very sudden and short but at times I could have like 5 short ones at once. The vibration is almost not noticeable at all when I'm walking around and moving but when I'm sitting down on the computer I am very aware of it. The sensation is felt between my breast bone and it almost feels like when you have a bad chest cold and you breathe in and you can feel the phlegm in your chest. IT fees something like that but just very short.

I'm soooo scared it's heart related :( but I never notice any change in bpm when it happens or anything so I'm not sure. This has been happening since Thursday when I had a situation at the gym. After 30 minutes of being on the elliptical I felt very faint and out of it although I was able to walk normal and keep conversation. I just felt like I was gonna die, even though it has only happened 1/5 times I've been to the gym in the last 2 weeks. I haven't been since because of the fear.

Anyone experience the heart vibration feeling?

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 ----------

Anyone? :(

10-05-14, 19:34
It sounds like palpitations, very very common. I get them regularly and notice them more whilst resting. Although unnerving at first they are completely harmless. :-)

10-05-14, 19:57
Hmm...even if they are very soft and don't seem to interfere with my heart beat?

I've had them almost all day so far :( plus left shoulder pain ugh... so scared

10-05-14, 22:44
Hi Jenn, sat here all night with a vibrating chest... Heart rate is 68bpm and nice and regular so god knows what it is... I'm putting it down to tension xx

11-05-14, 02:30
Hey fedup, glad to see I'm not alone. Can you explain how they feel like to you?

Been having mine since Thursday :( not fun at all

---------- Post added at 21:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:01 ----------

Anyone else?

11-05-14, 11:26
I've had them since my anxiety started...
Just like my chest is vibrating and I need to adjust my bra or sit in a different position to make it stop... It doesn't though... Doesn't concern me as I've had an ECG and seen a cardiologist :) you will be fine

11-05-14, 12:36
Great attitude there, FedUp. You've come such a long way. Congratulations.

Jenn - it sure sounds like anxiety and the same heart worry fears that you've had for awhile now. Remind us what you're currently doing for your anxiety. Is CBT or meditation helping you?

11-05-14, 15:58
I've had them since my anxiety started...
Just like my chest is vibrating and I need to adjust my bra or sit in a different position to make it stop... It doesn't though... Doesn't concern me as I've had an ECG and seen a cardiologist :) you will be fine

Thanks fedup :)
Glad that you have done tests on your heart and they came out fine :) I wonder what causes these weird sensations? I mean, I know anxiety. But it's just incredible what anxiety can cause.

Thanks again xo

---------- Post added at 10:58 ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 ----------

Great attitude there, FedUp. You've come such a long way. Congratulations.

Jenn - it sure sounds like anxiety and the same heart worry fears that you've had for awhile now. Remind us what you're currently doing for your anxiety. Is CBT or meditation helping you?

Hello Tanner,

I'm really trying to brush it off as anxiety but it seems like every time I get a hold of myself I feel another new symptom and BAM I'm back to the anxious, living in fear routine.

I do continue my online CBT and I've started reading the self-help panic books again on the website.

11-05-14, 20:53
Have you heard of intergrative therapy Jenn? It's what I have and it's fantastic :)
I don't know what causes it... I think it's like tension as I had a bad day anxiety wise yesterday and put it down to that! I lost my mother in law in a shop (nothing major) but it set me off.. Will have to discuss with my therapist but I'm being logically as to why I'm feeling the way I am :)
I would love to know why anxiety also causes these symptoms but if we knew that we wouldn't be worrying would we :) x

12-05-14, 01:12
Have you heard of intergrative therapy Jenn? It's what I have and it's fantastic :)
I don't know what causes it... I think it's like tension as I had a bad day anxiety wise yesterday and put it down to that! I lost my mother in law in a shop (nothing major) but it set me off.. Will have to discuss with my therapist but I'm being logically as to why I'm feeling the way I am :)
I would love to know why anxiety also causes these symptoms but if we knew that we wouldn't be worrying would we :) x

I haven't heard of that type of therapy before. But would like to know more!
Must be all the tension and nerves that create all of these symptoms. I'm sure mine started from the little situation I had at the gym on Wednesday. But then it worries me that it's all because I have a heart problem or something. Blah :(

Are you able to constantly feel your heart beat?

12-05-14, 17:18
I have come to the conclusion that it's more of a gurgle than a vibration. I'm also noticing a sharp sudden pain in my left breast, left collarbone, and even sometimes in my left shoulder blade. I'm so worried I'm going to have a heart attack at 21. :(

13-05-14, 17:30
Hello everyone,

I'm still worried about my heart. Although now it feels like I have heart burn because of this burning sensation I feel in the top of my stomach. I also think that the gurgle may have moved down to the same area. And now it feels like I have a chest cold in my chest :(

I've been burping excessively and I feel a lot of gas in my stomach

13-05-14, 17:50
Hi jenclark, I wake up some mornings with a vibrating sensation in my chest which freaks me. Then all day I'm monitoring my heart. Strange really when I'm brain/head obsessed!!! I did mention this to my dr once when I first started with anxiety and she didn't seem concerned at all, quite dismissive if anything. New symptoms come and go all the time. I'm struggling with dizziness and woozy head at the mo, arrrrrrgh drives me mad xx