View Full Version : Dreaded lumps on daughter

10-05-14, 18:17
Hey everyone
My daughter who is two had a ear and viral infection with very high temperature 3 weeks ago but soon got over it.
Im getting so paranoid as her glands are still up behind her ears and in her neck. The doctor felt them and said they may take a while to go down, if they go down at all.
My worry is thay what if they are not just swollen glands and something sinister amd by the time they realise its really serious.
Has anyone else has lumps that don't go down after being poorly? Xxx

10-05-14, 19:00
I know it's really hard when you have HA but you have to believe the doctor. Glands can stay up a long time after the virus has gone and 2 year olds are always catching something! Try not to let her see your concern or she'll end up with HA! I'm sure it was my dad that gave it to me, I can still remember him panicking when I broke my collar bone aged 3, and that's a very long time ago! X

11-05-14, 03:37
My son has swollen glands behind his ears too. They are easier to feel on little ones.