View Full Version : Friday 16 May - National 'No Googling Symptoms' Day

10-05-14, 21:40
One of the first steps to my own recovery from severe health anxiety was putting an end to the constant googling of symptoms. I realised that I must stop doing this one evening when I found myself googling symptoms when I was supposed to be reading my daughter a bedtime story and had a 'why am I wasting these precious moments' moment.

I know how difficult it is to get off Google. I used to google symptoms 10-20 times a day, this got worse when I got my first iPhone and suddenly found I could do it anywhere - on the loo, on the train, in bed.

Still with me? Good, because I'm proposing a 'No Googling Symptoms Day' on Friday 16 May. On Friday you pledge not to check Dr Google at all - completely cold turkey for one whole day.

Why Friday? Because it gives you from now until then to Google as much as you want, as long as you know the rules of this experiment and you're prepared to go along with it. After Friday, you can go back to checking Dr Google if you want. Or you may find that you want to continue to abstain from using it to check your symptoms and what they may or probably don't mean.

On the day itself, you will get the urge to Google, but instead you can come directly to this thread to chat to other participants about how you're feeling and how it's going. People can hopefully gain strength from each other, which is what this forum is supposed to be all about.

If you think this is a good idea and you want to join in, please post below.

10-05-14, 21:50
Hi skippy great idea I dont google symptoms anymore its bad bad but I know lots of nmp members do I hope people join you in not googling listen to skippy its the way to go xx

10-05-14, 22:20
Such a great idea! Totally interested in participating. Xx

Catherine S
10-05-14, 22:36
Good idea, and I won't smoke, drink or eat cake whilst not googling too...sorted! :D

10-05-14, 23:02
I used to google symptoms 10-20 times a day, this got worse when I got my first iPhone and suddenly found I could do it anywhere - on the loo, on the train, in bed.

Imagine that! You could be in the loo, Google your poo and then post your fears on NMP all without leaving the throne! (Hmmmm... I wonder how many have actually done that?)

This is a great idea Skippy. Hopefully it will be a catalyst for some to take the "Goo"gle by the nads and onto a healthier mental path!

Positive thoughts

10-05-14, 23:19
I'm going to do it skippy! Great idea! By the Fishmanpa I've done that hahaha seriously I have:roflmao:

11-05-14, 00:02
Lmao Rose and Fishmanpa, I'm guilty for doing it too! :roflmao:

11-05-14, 00:03
I will do this too, although I will make mine include no poking and prodding ... :) if you don't mind!

11-05-14, 09:04
I want to do this also can I add the bad daily mail online articles about people diagnosed with the big c when at first the GPs through it was something else.

Reading the symptoms of each type of what could be the big c.

Instead I will go the GP if I can get and tell them everything I am worried about, even though I do go to the GP if worried.

11-05-14, 16:29
This is an excellent day for me to join in with this - cos it's also my birthday, lol!

---------- Post added at 15:29 ---------- Previous post was at 15:22 ----------

Phil - those Daily Mail online articles are the worst!!!x

12-05-14, 00:07
Ive already started from reading members posts on here that im not gonna google anymore but its a great idea especially for those who can't give up googling health problems:yesyes:

15-05-14, 23:29
Anyone who's doing this, you have half an hour left to consult Dr Google like crazy.

Post your updates here throughout the day! Good luck!

16-05-14, 00:04
Boom. Great idea.

16-05-14, 02:59
Ha! I'm in the US i have 2 hours left!

16-05-14, 03:18
I'm in Western Canada ... I have 3 3/4 hours, lol!!

16-05-14, 09:25
Done well with Daily Mail online, don't know how many articles there will be about people with the big c word, also other health conditions which the doctors through was something else.

As for Google not tempted about looking up health conditions , things I do like catching myself against objects (I knocked my leg against my desk at home) earlier

The only think I have done today is I noticed I got a spot on my face when I was brushing my teeth so of course felt it, whoops

16-05-14, 09:37
Wow, I don't know if I can do it but I'll try, this is actually my biggest issue, I am being referred by the doctor for CBT because of it, recently I have been spending probably around 6 hours a day doing it and can't seem to stop.

16-05-14, 09:49
I propose "No checking your poo" week. Flush it down. Don't look. A week won't matter.

16-05-14, 12:58
How's everyone doing? Post here if you are taking part!

16-05-14, 13:11
Good for you guys. I never google anymore. I learned my lesson a couple of years ago when I googled everything - tumours, MS & ALS and guess what...... I had them all :doh:! My anxiety went into a downward spiral and it took a long time to get past it... but I did! Thing is, even to this day I still remember symptoms of diseases I didn't even know existed so I occassionally get those 'what if' moments. That will never leave me. Anyway, those moments are few & far between. I've finally accepted I will always be quite an anxious person but I just carry on. Do I ever get the urge? Sometimes, but I remember how bad it was and it's a place I don't want to ever go back to. Good luck guys. It isn't easy but it can be done! :hugs:

16-05-14, 13:34
Still doing good about Google, I fancy a bit of Google earlier but was out so could not do it, I don't own a mobile so I cannot go on the Internet if I don't have my tablet with me outside the home. Still doing great with daily mail don't want to read any more health articles about people with being misdiagnosed.

I cannot check my poop at the movement since I have not been today, even though I was checked last year with all those scans and nothing was spotted, checking my poop will still happen.

16-05-14, 16:36
How's everyone doing? Post here if you are taking part!

I'm taking part! Doing great. Thanks for this! :hugs:

16-05-14, 16:50
Google is the Bain of my life!!! I haven't googled today tho!! Think I might make every Friday Google-free day!!! In the last month I have self diagnosed all sorts from blooming google. And as mentioned above having iPhone makes it accessible 24/7! No google today. Great idea!!! X

---------- Post added at 16:50 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------

And as for the Daily Mail.... I am compelled to read it everyday. It even has a bookmark on my iPad and wish it hadn't for same reasons mentioned. Articles on people dying from
Propranolol, different ways of prolonging life and who is more likely to die at a younger age (that one really gets me!) aarrrgggghhhh!!!!

16-05-14, 19:43
I havent googled anything medical today. However, does reading stuff on this forum count as sometimes I scare myself here as well.

18-05-14, 14:16
I have not google since Friday about health conditions, but still checking my poop in the bowl, logging the days every time I go. I have checked my skin, and my private parts regularly still every day.