View Full Version : need somewhere to vent how i feel

little kyle
10-05-14, 21:49

Waking up with the constant feeling I can't breathe hyperventilating and then the cold hands with narrowing veins due to the hyperventilation.
The pounding or racing heart rate the higher blood pressure to go with it the thoughts that I’m dying the nightmares that wake me up the sleepless nights. The feeling of constantly feeling on edge like I’m waiting for something to happen. That odd feeling were I feel weird not myself in fact is hell
Reminiscing how I used to feel makes it worse feels like hell not even being able to relax or go out without the anxiety following me 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Intrusive thoughts are killing me I have to stay away from tablets due to my intrusive thought my mind will make up. Making it feel like I have or could do it. Weird thing is I’m frightened by any tablet.
It was 4 weeks ago while at my girlfriends playing football with her brothers I thought I was having a physical symptom of a asthma attack and called 999 thinking I was dying. Was taken to hospital there was nothing wrong with my breathing. Heart rate & blood pressure was high & WCC was high I felt as if I was burning up like I was on fire temps were taken 36.7c which was fine
Ever since then I can’t seem to get back to how I felt before that aggressive panic attack and feel as if I’m stuck not feeling myself at all…
Couple of days after that aggressive panic attack I really struggled to go out thinking it might happen again to me. So I decided I would go out at night it was about 3-4am no ones around it will just be me so I peddled to the garage to get a drink and some chocolate.
As soon as I left I phoned my girlfriend you know to keep my mind occupied I got 650 meters from my home and I felt like I could not breath my girlfriend reassured me its fine but I checked for my inhaler which was not in my pocket thinking I had asthma at this time did not help but girlfriend said its your anxiety.
I got half way to the garage a panic attack came on and I fought it and it went within 2 mins I got to the garage and felt another one come on I fought it for 5 mins it went.
I got half way home and boom this panic attack hit me from everywhere could not calm down felt like that was it I’m dead couldn’t breathe properly felt like no air/oxygen was in my lungs felt like I was going to pass out
I got off my bike as soon as this happened I stopped dead still panicking that I’m going to die. I walked with my peddle bike 100 meters before I panicked that much I called 999. Ambulance came and checked me over I was told its anxiety Heart rate and blood pressure was high
This does not feel like a disorder to me feels more like a disease something I can’t fight. Something that’s always going to be there no matter what. My life feels ruined
I can still remember what I felt like before the anxiety I guess I reminisce a lot about how I used to feel. I find I have no emotion of how to cry like even if I want to something stops me from doing so.
I really want help as I am finding it hard to cope with everyday life. Even more if I’m on my own it affects me more.
08/05/2014 14:33:51

The constant feeling I can’t breathe scares me on a daily basis I know it’s the bronchitis dilating to allow more air in but it is causing distress to my body physically & mentally. Palms, Armpits, Feet start to sweat it’s like my sweat glands go into overdrive mode.
I get sensations about if I go out are play any sports something will happen I don’t even have to think about it that sensation will be there so I will always avoid that place/sport.

I find I am waking up really early still and I can’t cope it’s ruining my life every day I can’t seem to chill/relax my body feels like something is going to happen every day even when nothing bad is going to happen the anxiety is still there for no reason at all.

I do need help I’m struggling to-do everyday task I just want sleep and wake up feeling better. But it never happens I still feel crap and anxious/anxiety.

Can’t seem to enjoy anything due to the way I feel.
09/05/2014 09:59:39


Cold Hand’s
Narrowing Veins In Hands
On Edge 24/7 As Soon As I Wake Up
Trouble Sleeping Or Waking Up Early In The Morning
Nightmare’s About Health and General
Feel Short Of Breathe Or Like I Can’t Breathe
Don’t Feel Right Like Something Is Going To Happen


While at my girlfriend’s I was playing football with her brothers outside I felt fine that day everything felt manageable and nothing was really affecting me.
After a kick around with the boys I felt this overwhelming fear something was going to happen to me and I started concentrating on my breathing at that point it felt like I was having an asthma attack I started panicking saying I cant breath. My girlfriend called 999 for an ambulance as I was certain I was dying I was so sure of it.

When paramedic arrived I was put on a monitor at my girlfriend’s. My SPO2 was 99% Pulse 100-140 Sys BP 156 Dia BP 76.

I can only say that day ruined me mentally and physically every since then the anxiety/anxious feeling won’t go away and has become problematic giving me heightened nightmare’s about my health there so realistic..

When I awaken from a nightmare it’s always in the early hours of the morning Symptom’s that my nightmare’s cause:
Fast Heart Rate, Feel Hot, Excessive Sweating, On Edge A Lot More….

I personally think that day at my girlfriend’s was a traumatic event for me I have never had a panic attack like that before.
10/05/2014 14:12:01

10-05-14, 22:10
Kyle if I said you can get threw this would you believe me ,because you can with alot of hard work and most of all acceptance ,I was in that dark place two years ago but slowly I have pushed forward you can to .

I went to my gp he was fantastic he gave me lots of support I went to a panic group I was dreading it I thought this isnt going to help me talking to a group of strangers how wrong I was they were all in the same boat as me ,people who finally understood all these horrible symptoms I was having .

I also had a one to one thearapy so I was getting alot of support along with a combination of medication sertraline ,if your not getting any of this help or even if you have had this help before go and see your gp because you shouldn't have to suffer like that god I know how bad it is wishing you well love xx

11-05-14, 08:28
Hi little kyle I felt that post every bit of it I am along to e suffer its. Been up and down some times over the forty years I have had this its been manigable but.past year I ave been pretty much the way you say your feeling but because you ave not had this for long you can nip it in the bud read clair weeks books read symptoms on here there is so much help around now unlike me from forty years ago when my first panic attack happened you can beat it x

little kyle
11-05-14, 13:24
Thank you for all your reply's

I am seeking help i have a CBT appointment on the 15th which i cant wait for if im telling the truth just want to feel slightly better than how i feel now