View Full Version : Should I be worried about this?

11-05-14, 05:17
So for years I've had a swollen lymph node in my neck. It is moveable and doesn't hurt but it is bigger on the right side of my neck than my left so that is how I know it is swollen. Also, I have another one right at the right side of the base of my skull. That one seems to be in place and is not moveable. I've had this one for years, too. I'm worried about HIV/AIDS because I've read that this is a common symptom of it. I am 16 and I've never engaged in high risk activities (but I suppose I was sexually abused as a child due to repressed memories) so should I be worried about AIDS? The nodes are not noticeably swollen as in you can't see them visibly swollen but they are technically classified as swollen. I've dealt with OCD regarding HIV/AIDS before and I keep trying to tell myself that I'm fine but I'm still really worried. I'm not worried about cancer because if it was lymphoma I'd be a goner already. What makes me even more worried about HIV is that I have this "lesion" (my mum thinks it is a sunspot but it seems darker) on my knee that is a bit smaller than a dime (it isn't a perfect corcle, though) that showed up a few months ago and it is a dark brown/ dark tan colour and when I push on it it does not blanch. I read online about Karposi Sarcoma and it was talking about the early stages of KS and how the lesions could be flat and brown (like mine) and thatthey do not blanch. That really got me worried. I ddon't know what to do know..can someone help me please?

11-05-14, 09:27

Nobody here is qualified to give you a medical diagnosis.

You seem to have a lot of medical terminology in your vocabulary, especially as you are so young so I'd guess you are suffering from a lot of googling and reading about what 'it' might possibly be.

The only course of action for you is to go see a Doctor, get tested and put your mind at rest.

Almost 100% of the people here who go and get checked out are fine, and even if there is something to treat it's HIGHLY unlikely to be anything serious at your age. :)