View Full Version : what makes you panic is it a tnought or ix it a sensation you do t like

11-05-14, 10:10
I never no if I have a thought first that creates the boci.y sensation or is it the bodily sensation that sets my thought spiraling to oh my god what is wrong. Oh my god I am gou g to die I just wish I knew x

11-05-14, 11:20
Hi Trish. Anxiety and panic makes us feel like we are going to die but remember it is not harmful. Mine starts with a thought then I get the physical symptoms. x

11-05-14, 11:49
Mine always feel life,e a flutter some were in my body that's it my mind runs wild with I am going to die this time x

little kyle
11-05-14, 13:29
What makes me panic ranges really to intrusive thoughts and for example if i forget my inhaler and i am out and notice i have not got it automaticlly i feel like i cant breathe and thats when my panic will happen but most of the time its out of the blue and happens all of a suddenly xx

11-05-14, 15:52
Interesting question, trish1955. I'm guessing that it's my thoughts that trigger the symptoms initially, but my response to the symptoms is to feel fear, anger and frustration, which in turn makes the symptoms worse, and so on.

I'm frightened of both the thoughts and the symptoms, but now I don't try to suppress either because they come back with a vengeance. I know that neither can hurt me because I've been experiencing them all for years, and they haven't killed me yet. :D

11-05-14, 22:58
Hi cheese monster how many years you suffered I am a forty year suffer was 12 when had first attack now 57 it was back in 60s and no one hear of panic attacks then so wen they could not find anything physically wrong I was made to get on with life my last three years of school was so hard I do t no how I got through x

12-05-14, 08:18
Hi trish1955

I'm not sure, but I've felt like this for as long as I can remember. School was terrible for me too. I didn't really understand what was happening to me, until I found this site and read about what other people out there are going through. Now I don't feel so alone, so I can cope a little bit better.

Cheesemonster xxx

12-05-14, 08:47
Bless I didn't no wat was WTO g with me either I for t feel so diffrnt now I no there are others
But it as not changed my fear of it all x

12-05-14, 10:43
For me it usually stems down to a feeling of losing control. In a split-second I can start panicking so much about losing control either mentally (losing touch with reality) or physically (serious health problems, death etc.). Basically everything I obsess about boils down to fear of mental death or physical death or some times even moral/spiritual death when I am concerned about doing something out of character.

Omg I can so relate to you my mind can do all of that and send all the aefull feeling that go with it today I am feeling so emotional I could just burst I to tears over snytji g right noe all I went is a break from my crazy head they say your brain is like a computer I said to a therapist three years ago why don't we just format it then she says thats what CBT does no it didn't it just gave my more to down load xxxif you need to chat pm me xx

12-05-14, 12:07
I cry a lot, trash1955. When I'm really bad I can't even watch the news or a sad movie without bawling my eyes out. It would be great if I could have my brain reformatted, I would have it done in a shot if it would get rid of my emotional problems. If I had the choice between being rich or not being frightened all the time, I'd choose not being afraid.

Loss of control is at the heart of my problems too, I think. That's why I try to organise everything, including myself, because when I'm doing it I feel safer.

Cheesemonster :)

12-05-14, 21:52
Bless yeah me to I would give any tji g just to not be afraid any more and be happy wouldn't car if I had nothing x

15-05-14, 14:07
Sometimes I could be sitting there fine and I suddenly feel a pain or twinge and that sets off the thoughts that lead onto a panic or sometimes I have a weird foggy mental feeling and that sets off the thoughts. So sometimes its a physical thing that sets me off but the thoughts are always what makes the panic so strong and hard to ignore and get rid of.