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View Full Version : Its happening again

11-05-14, 11:32
Why does my anxiety go away and return again? I take 40mg of fluoxetine a day and I can go for months being fine but now with a bang I feel rubbish! All started on Friday night! I was in the supermarket and I bent down to pick up my basket and I got a pain in my next which wasn't pleasant! Now all weekend I have felt pains in my head, tingling down my face and full left side, sore arms n chest! Just want to hide and cry! Dam you anxiety :(

Catherine S
11-05-14, 11:45
Hi Trixi

Sounds like you could have irritated a nerve when you bent down to pick up the basket...was it heavy? The rest sounds like its down to the old anxiety making more of it than it should!


11-05-14, 11:50

It wasn't really heavy it did have a few bottles in it the pain was like a vice clamped round my neck for a second but I did get a fright xxxx

Catherine S
11-05-14, 12:48
Sounds either muscular or a nerve trixi. I think its because you don't expect to pull a muscle in your neck, its more usual in your back isn't it, so it makes you panic about it. At least you know what you did and when, its more panic-inducing when these things come out of the blue!


11-05-14, 16:29
Thanks I will see how I go over the next few days and get lots of heat into my neck and shoulders :-) xxx