View Full Version : Hello from Scotland

Rob jc
11-05-14, 13:22
Hi to people here,

Just a quick introduction.
My name is Rob from Aberdeen Scotland. Done 41 revolutions around our star to date.
You would think maybe in that time one would learn to be happy and joyful.
Alas my head is pretty messed up at the moment.
Mainly Agoraphobia, depression, anxiety, avoidance.....

If you get any of the following then you may relate to me perhaps.

Why don't you just snap out of it.
Cheer up..
You need to get out more..
Stop wasting your life...
Would you like to try the latest mind altering psychotropic drug with a list of side effects as long as your arm?
Have you tried CBT?
People avoiding the subject at any cost when brought up.
Family and friends ashamed of you.
Funny sideways glances and tutting and shaking of head.

I could go on but figure i'll keep it short.

Anyway hope to maybe chat with a few good folks on here that suffer from similar afflictions, in the naive hope that a double negative may make a positive.

Cheers Rob

11-05-14, 22:51
:welcome: Rob!
I'm sure you'll find your niche here! Some of us will drive you nuts, but no worries, a fresh package is opened nearly every day ;) Lol! Pick through for what calls out to you when you log on and feel free to ask for help. There are many members who have worked through tough issues and are happy to share how!
Take care xx

Vanilla Sky
11-05-14, 22:59
And Hi to you, I am also from Scotland . Welcome to NMP :)