View Full Version : indentation in the top of left arm

11-05-14, 17:42
Good evening I was wondering if anyone could shed some light or offer any advice or if anyone has been in a similar situation about 6 months ago I started to get a very painful dull ache in the top of my arm simple things were making it ache a lot so when I looked closer at my arm I saw that it had dented in like the muscle was missing or sunken it was pitted so I was quite alarmed by this and headed off to the drs who could not explain it ..they sent me for an xray which was clear and told me to return for blood work if it was still aching ...the ache subsided and so I did not carry on with any thing else . since then I have had some twitches which lead me to be very anxious about ALS ... I got myself in a right state about it all it was spiralling the more I worried the worse the twitches ...anyway they are better no where near what they were .but the aching arm has returned I am applying deep head and taking pain killers but it hurts ...im worried I have some muscle wasting thing or cancerous growth drawing on the arm ...people are being really unkind saying ohhhh maybe you should get some exercise I am fit and healthy ok I don't lift weights but its really worring me anyone else had this happen to them and what should I do ?? xxx

11-05-14, 21:47
An X-ray would have seen a cancerous growth. Plus cancer causes growths not dents. I have a dent in my calf that was never there before. Not sure why it's aching. Are you doing strength tests? I thought I had ALS I started doing these tests on my leg then it ached like crazy.

11-05-14, 23:17
Hi Rose Eve ..it used to ache like mad when id push mg daughters buggy or hold anything for any lenth of time...it aches all the time....i thought xray was just for bones ? If its a growth it would draw on the skin causing it to ache .....im not sure what to do x

12-05-14, 00:09
No you can see rumors with an xray. Maybe it's a pinched nerve. You should see the doctor. It's probably something minor. :hugs:

12-05-14, 08:00
Hi Rose Eve when i saw the dr 6 months ago she said if nothing shows on the xray we will take blood to check its nothing sinister...i said like what she wouldnt specify....im scared its a muscle wasting thing i really am.....

12-05-14, 13:50
I was just thinking about you Pepsi. I'm in very stressful situation right now and my eyelid is twitching like mad lol oh anxiety it's awesome isn't it?

12-05-14, 13:56
I found a dent in my shin a long time ago .... I'm guessing it ended up being nothing because I never did anything about it and I'm alive still. I remember being freaked out though. I'm sure the aching was just simple muscle spasm/tensions.

12-05-14, 16:54
hi thankyou for your messages it usually doesn't bother me the dent that is but the aching is traveling along my arm to my fingers and making them ache too ....the aching does worry me and as hard as I try to forget it it keeps kind of flaring up and aching as I say traveling to my fingers
Rose Eve [[[[[ how are you ]]]]] hows the twitching id rather the twitching than this arm being the way it is im so worried about muscle wastage and als it sometimes suffocating and I cant think about much else ..pm me Rose Eve if you need to just typing this is making my arm ache x

11-02-20, 04:58
hi thankyou for your messages it usually doesn't bother me the dent that is but the aching is traveling along my arm to my fingers and making them ache too ....the aching does worry me and as hard as I try to forget it it keeps kind of flaring up and aching as I say traveling to my fingers
Rose Eve [[[[[ how are you ]]]]] hows the twitching id rather the twitching than this arm being the way it is im so worried about muscle wastage and als it sometimes suffocating and I cant think about much else ..pm me Rose Eve if you need to just typing this is making my arm ache x

Any update ? I have something very similar going on with myself and if you've by chance figured out what was wrong with you it can help to lead me in the right direction.