View Full Version : Just fell off the 'Dr Google' wagon :-(

11-05-14, 18:24
Hi everybody.

I have been avoiding googling for over a week now but I have just binged on websites looking up symptoms.

For the past week I have had a pain in my right hand side towards the back and yeah I have been panicking but i have tried to put it to the back if my mind and write it off as my suspected IBS and work stress. However, today I cracked and turned to google as I am now feeling what can only be described as a tight band feeling around my waste and my pee is cloudy (sorry for the info overload)!!!

Has anyone else felt this way pain when anxious??

I am gutted I looked online because I knew this would happen....... I feel a million times worse than I did before I googled!!!



11-05-14, 18:48
Noooooooooooooooooo lol
Have you been e-diagnosed with a rare illness that has been eradicated?
Ibs can cause all sorts of pains in the abdomen area, and my wee can be cloudy sometimes too, depends what I've eaten/drunk

11-05-14, 18:55
Thanks Jonesie

You've made me feel better :-)

Back to day one on the old google counter :-(


11-05-14, 18:58
Me too, I opened my ipad internet explorer which I haven't used for a while only to be faced with pictures of bloody moles! Get it out of my faceeeee!
Hugs xx

11-05-14, 19:23
I also fall off the Google wagon & have a symptom checking binge :| don't lose heart, the post-Google fear will wear off soon. Don't panic. I have a similar pain with my IBS & stress majorly aggravates it x