View Full Version : What's your worst anxiety symptoms???

11-05-14, 18:44
Mine are chest heaviness, tightness, left arm heaviness and dullness and my throat slightly closing in and nausea!! I have this everyday the last 3 months. Just wondering how everyone else and how often they get symptoms :unsure:

11-05-14, 18:58
Nausea is the worst symptom for me.

11-05-14, 19:14
I get too Annie but only sometimes. Mine is all to do with my chest so annoying!!

11-05-14, 19:26
Constant suffocation feeling 24/7 for the past 15 weeks. The only relief I get is taking an Ativan to sleep at night.

11-05-14, 19:30
Idawmn is this a constant everyday symptom u have?

11-05-14, 19:43
Yes everyday. Day and night. I have been through all kinds of testing by a pulmonologist and had an echocardiogram, lots of blood tests. All are normal. Nothing physically wrong.

NE21 worrier
11-05-14, 19:51
Chest and throat tightness and the feeling of nausea which results...

11-05-14, 20:43
Dizzness and a feeling like im falling its awful :mad:

11-05-14, 20:56
Just want to toss this out there....

A thread like this may be counter-productive as it makes you think about your anxiety symptoms which in turn could bring them on.

Positive thoughts

11-05-14, 21:40
Mine is a feeling like I can't breathe!!! and as though I have a pressure on my chest going up to my throat as though I am being strangled.... it's a nightmare...
I said to someone not so long back imagine all of us lot all going to A&E at the same
time...thousands of people with panic attacks... just *imagine* it:)) it would be like a mental institution and we would all be locked up:)) but seriously the dreadful things we get are a total nightmare...and how I wish there was just one pill we could take to stop it all.

11-05-14, 22:37
Just want to toss this out there....

A thread like this may be counter-productive as it makes you think about your anxiety symptoms which in turn could bring them on.

Positive thoughts

Apologies I didn't mean anything bad by this thread. I'm new to panic attacks/anxiety and I was anxious to find out what everyone's symptoms are because mine feel very bad at times.

Positive thoughts definitely!!

11-05-14, 23:00
Apologies I didn't mean anything bad by this thread. I'm new to panic attacks/anxiety and I was anxious to find out what everyone's symptoms are because mine feel very bad at times.

Positive thoughts definitely!!

No need to apologize at all... just throwing out a suggestion that perhaps similar threads and the "Does anyone else get this" type threads, while they may offer a bit of reassurance, it also puts a focus on symptoms as opposed to solutions.

Positive thoughts

12-05-14, 11:28
Mine are when my throat feels closed, my mouth goes dry, my voice goes shaky and high pitched. They're not as physically uncomfortable as the palpitations etc. but they make my anxiety worse in social sitatuations which is what sets them off to begin with. It's a vicious circle. :(

12-05-14, 21:14
Ya Sophie I know what u mean. Do u feel palpitations also?

13-05-14, 13:28
my chest is my main annoyance..

13-05-14, 13:43
Brain fog! It feels like my head is crammed with info and it can't store anymore causing it to crash :doh:!! I feel spaced out, forgetful and very dream-like. Hate it! xx

13-05-14, 13:45
Not being able to breathe. The rest is manageable.

15-05-14, 11:26
Yep I do get palpitations as well, but they don't usually happen when I'm actually panicking. I usually get those when I'm at home on my own just thinking about a situation that's already happened.

15-05-14, 14:39
Physically - nausea because I have a fear of puking so it makes me panic even more.

Mentally - that horrible spacey, numb, dream like feeling during and after an attack. It can last a few mins or a few hours and is hard to shake off.

16-05-14, 01:46
At its worst, trapped wind, acid reflux, chest tightness, skipped beats (Though this only occurs when I'm hungover), super tense back shoulder and neck muscles, thats when I get to the point of tears, when I get back down to a baseline though, it tends to just be a bit of trapped wind and thats about it.