View Full Version : Just went into hospital.

11-05-14, 20:20
Thought I'd post this up to see if anyone can relate.

I think it's amazing. Any time a symptom gets too much to bear, I go to the hospital. So I went in today for an appointment. My heart rate was ~140 just on my motorcycle on the way. I was terrified. So off I went. I'd been struggling with these feelings 100% of the time for the last 4 days, I step off my motorcycle, terrified. I get into the waiting room, terrified. Dizzy. Can barely focus on anything in front of me.. I hear my name. I sit down. I begin to talk.. And nothing.

It's as though the moment that I feel safe.. it all stops. My heart rate dropped to 90. And I looked like a ****.

ECG came back normal. So did blood. Off home I went with my prescription for mild anti-psychotics and some sedatives.

11-05-14, 20:37
Not related exactly but my boyfriend once went to A&E with agonising chest pain, and when they examined him he did a huge burp and then felt fine.
Hope you feel better soon x

12-05-14, 03:39
Brittany I always feel rubbish at hole on the way as you said as soon as u see someone feel better and then for a bit after ten mins later being home rubbish again! X