View Full Version : How do I help someone else with anxiety?

11-05-14, 20:29
I am in a situation at the moment where I am close to someone who just developed anxiety/panic attacks and I don't know what to do. They are on a waiting list for therapy and just started medication. They deal with it really well but it's hard for them to cope. I am very very worried.

I've been very supportive but they need more help asap.
I can't really remember what helped me when I first struggled, I remember not understanding most of the advice I was given though so I don't want to say anything that's overwhelming or preachy. We ordered a few books from amazon but I don't know where else to go.

Is there any advice you'd care to give on what to say? Or a place I can find good free advice on cbt or positive thinking? Or simple techniques I could pass on while they're waiting for therapy?

Thanks x

12-05-14, 12:31

There's a cbt4panic sticky at top of this board. I see people giving that out a lot. Says its free to members.

Not that I'd go to places like like THOSE sites but a little bird landed on my shoulder the other day and said "hey there's lots of cbt, anxiety stuff on THOSE sites like that pirate one". I said "oi, get off, I don't want to know about places like that. Leave me alone !" I phoned the police but he'd gone.

Encourage them not to dwell on it. Get their mind off it.

Depends how they've triggered anxiety too. If it's drugs then encourage them to knock them on the head.

Alcohol, sugar is bad for anxiety.

Try and reassure them that they are actually in control even though it feels like they're not. They are !

The advice could go on forever couldn't it. Loads of anxiety tips on here.

Make them laugh ! Nothing better at chasing all that fear away than a good laugh.

12-05-14, 12:37
You are in the best place for support right here so why not direct them to this site while they waiting for there Therapy to start.

12-05-14, 14:47
Thanks Oosh, haha that's great!
I've tried a few of those and nothing worked, but I wasn't even sure if I was saying the right thing so I probably wasn't very clear about it, it's helpful to read what other people would do.
I think half the problem, and also why its getting worse and worse, is due to dwelling but I can't seem to get that across.

Hey AlexandriaUK, Well I use this place, I've recommended it before but I think if we both used it we would feel too exposed. I was happy to share but it's quite nice being able to talk to people with whom I have no real life contact with, if my friends and family read what I wrote here I'd be mortified. I think they felt the same.

Thanks for commenting guys, I've not been able to sleep because of it so it's good to talk.