View Full Version : Strange odd sensations!! worried!!

11-05-14, 21:19
Hi All....

Nearly everyday, when I am doing things it keeps feeling like I am being strangled:)) I know it sounds odd, but when I am doing something or perhaps when I go upstairs I get it.... I have been told it's not my heart 10 times but 10 different doctors, so what IS it?:))

I have a hiatus hernia, and that surgeon tells me that it is not that, and the heart doctors who I have seen have said maybe it is the hiatus hernia... who do I believe?? It is worrying... a lot of the time when I get this I get a pressure on my chest, but after being in A&E 5 times and seen several consultants over the last five years, they just say I am anxious!!
Any ideas anyone? thanks everyone

11-05-14, 23:04
I just know for myself that I have resolved myself to the fact that yes I'm suffering from anxiety. I have had everything ruled out possible through a pulmonologist and have had numerous blood tests done, echocardiogram done. Now for me it's on to therapist and also possibly a med to get this turned around once and for all.