View Full Version : cough

08-12-06, 09:11
does anyone else get a tickly cough when they feel anxious - i feel like i have a tickly cough and something stuck in my throat!

08-12-06, 10:04
Hi juicy,I dont get a tickle,but I do get like a feeling of reaching,and a lump.;)

Ellen XX

08-12-06, 10:15
yeah..had it for a while now...
now got a sore throat....

take care..

08-12-06, 10:48
am just getting over a cold so could be that!

08-12-06, 10:50
Yeh, I have had a pretty bad cough for ages, but I put it down to smoking and the more I know and think i must stop smoking and worry, the more I smoke. Same as peachy I have had a sore throte to for weeks now maybe even a momth but. I know this weather dont help and if you have a sore throte and smoke it takes much longer to go away. Take care. Vernon

08-01-07, 14:47
my cough still hasnt gone - its like a constant tickle in t he back of my throat and a need to clear my throat. does anyone else get this?

Stu M
08-01-07, 15:19
Hi Juicy,

Yes I have exactly the same thing. Sometimes starts with a fluttering feeling in the back of the throat, but always ends up as an irritating tickle that I cant shift, which makes me cough a lot.

Had it now for a couple of months, seen my doctor and he says theres no infection etc etc. Im possitive its anxiety based, and Im TRYING to ignore it, but its very very annoying.

All the best


08-01-07, 16:50
Yes I get this, and this was one of my "issues" a few years ago. It went on for months and I had different tests etc and saw a consultant in the end who couldn't find anything. Soon afterwards it went. So its the old anxiety playing its tricks again.

Brandy snap
09-01-07, 01:08
Yes, I get this. After meals I feel as if there is still some food remaining and it is teetering on the edge of the 'breathing hole' and I have to clear my throat for absolutely ages. Clearing my throat seems to exacerbate the problem as it makes it feel inflamed and swollen (less room for air). After certain foods (cold yogurt and cereal with cold milk) my throat can feel swollen too and again I have to test it out to check air is getting through. Drinking through a straw helps as since being on Seroxat I have had trouble swallowing. If there is a sudden noise just when I am about to swallow or someone suddenly speaks my swallow doesn't happen and my drink goes down by itself which is scarey. It happened the other day and I think my 'trap door' closed for a while to automatically protect me - but this prevented me from breathing at all until it opened. It takes me ages to finish meals since being on Seroxat. I have to chew it up for ages and work up to swallowing each mouthful.

09-01-07, 08:23
still got it, lump has subsided, but not very tickly, talking and singing seems to make it worse..so i know what you mean...
and a bit phlemmy for me too...my cough is more to try to clear the itchyness and clear the throat..weird stuff eh????
i had the lump for 3 months!!!!...now just a bit sore, im guessing from my constant swallowing, and in general focus on it...
my mother in law said she had a bronchial thing for 4 months, so now i dont feel so bad..
take care..