View Full Version : Cold+Exams= Major panic :(

11-05-14, 23:13
I've got my first written AS exam tomorrow, one of a whole week of the blimmin things.....but I came down with a dreadful cold on Saturday and now I feel like Death's hit me over the head with a brick :(
I'm really worried I'm not going to do well, and on top of that, my HA's come back :-/
I'm worrying about my lungs filling up with fluid or that I'm not gonna be able to breathe....basically all breathing related fears :-/
Can someone please, please reasure me that it's all in my head?

11-05-14, 23:34
Hiya KitKat

Everyone will be stressed first AS exam, so I imagine it is going to be a million times worse if you already suffer from HA. You'll be fine !!! All I can say is breathe!! Just breathe!! Take 5 mins in a quiet space and just listen to your breathing, don't think of anything else, just exhale and inhale slowly .

Good luck tomorrow and hope u get a good night sleep :-)



12-05-14, 04:09
Good luck, my health anxiety peKdd during my AS Exams so your not alone ���� it is a stressful time and if you already ill with a cold you are going to stress yourself out more, but think of all the colds you have had in the past when you have been fine, make sure you take some tissues and a water bottle in with you, just remember you can only do your best and panicking will only take marks away not put them on x