View Full Version : Lincolnshire meet-up

11-05-14, 23:54
We just thought we would share this picturewith you all......


Sorry Nic My net connection is crap so resizing is not working :(

A few success stories here, on Friday evening. Sophie Made it all across London alone, traveling by Train and on the underground..... She was coming to visit me and we are now on holiday together for the week :D

A few months back I stopped driving due to anxiety and panic but I have driven all the way on holiday and doing a lot of driving here.

The other person in the picture, Weeble40, Emms (yep it gets confusing) met up with us for the first Lincolnshire Meet up :) all be it an inpromptu one...... her success story? she came to meet us on her bicycle that she hadn't ridden for an awful long time and managed to get to us with only a slight sore bum :roflmao:

So all in all it has been a pretty successful time for all 3 of us and sophie and I are still on holiday till next Saturday and are having a really good time.....I haven't Laughed so much in years :D

Emmz (sophie and Emms)

12-05-14, 19:07
So proud of you all for your successes and so pleased to hear that your having a fab time on holiday.

12-05-14, 21:49
Well done you three. :yesyes: Oh and Ted.

13-05-14, 21:32
How lovely to see happy smiley faces (although Ted looks as if he is sitting on something that is concerning him!)
Well done for making your individual journeys - hope you are walking OK Emms :winks:

13-05-14, 22:43
Venus so glad your all having a good time as you can see by your lovely picture enjoy xx

09-02-18, 13:43
Where abouts are you as I am also in Lincolnshire