View Full Version : I don't know what to do

12-05-14, 00:01
I still have sharp chest pain at random throughout the day. My heart rate seems to be really fast. My breath keeps catching or I feel like I can't get enough air. I often feel sick or uncomfortably full.

Today I ran for a train and felt a burning in my chest for about 2 hours afterwards, as it slowly died down. My heart rate was super fast for ages afterwards and my breathing wasn't just heavy it was hard to breathe deeply.

I don't know what's going on. I've been to the doctors, I've had an ecg. I've tried to ignore it. It isn't going away.

I'm so frustrated

12-05-14, 01:17
Hello Alice, I am currently going through heart related anxiety as well although I haven't done an ECG.

Just like you I sometimes get random chest pains that come and go, but I think they could be due to trapped gas. I'm also almost always aware of my heart beat no matter what I'm doing. I think it's fast all the time and I had the bad habit to check my bpm like 100 times a day.

I had an incident on Thursday where I was working out and after about 30 minutes I felt very faint, and I just felt like I wasn't real. Since that I've had this weird low vibration feeling in my chest. I'm not sure if it's due to what happened or just anxiety.

If you've gone to the doctors and had an ECG, I Wouldn't worry too much about it. Anxiety can raise your bpm :P

Take care x

12-05-14, 01:42
Ah yeah I'm trying not to worry.
When you feel awful though it's hard to think otherwise
I just don't know what's going on
The pain happens all the time, regardless of panic
I've taken gaviscon, trapped gas medicine, ibuprofen. Nothing worked.
It's been 4 months
I just don't understand
I guess this is just my life and i need to learn to be happy about it
but it's super hard sometimes
take care xxx

12-05-14, 01:53
All of what you describe is really common anxiety stuff.

It's interesting that you mention burning. GERD is a very common anxiety symptom, and if the acid gets around your chest it can irritate the vagus nerve, which itself can cause the symptoms you describe, especially the palpitations.

Either way, it's completely harmless. The important thing to note is you've had the heart all-clear from the doctors, if they had any cardio-vascular concerns - however small - they wouldn't have let you on your way.

I've experienced what you describe in the past, I eventually accepted the all-clear and moved onto another health worry. It's only through visiting these forums and learning about the condition I actually do have that I'm able to move on from that. :)