View Full Version : my beloved beth

08-12-06, 10:29
i suffer ptsd as a result of being violently abused as a very young boy,and i have terrible nightmares about my beloved children getting hurt in the same way.
i had such a dream,and spent the day at work distraught,then i got home and the instant i took off my motorcycle helmet,my beloved 19week old beth beamed from ear to ear and her smiles lit up my heart and made me glad...it is now,not then x

Ma Larkin
08-12-06, 13:24
That's lovely Ade! I think we all turn to our kids when we have bad thoughts, or things aren't going too well for us. There's nothing better than seeing a big beaming smile. I don't know whether you have got any more kids Ade, but my youngest is 6 and he knows when there is something wrong with me (he's like my Siamese twin bless him!) and gives me big kisses and cuddles, and tells me he loves me.

I don't know how people can abuse children, don't they think of the psychological problems they cause. It makes me so mad!

I hope you can eventually lay your "ghosts" to rest and the nightmares fade. Rest assured that you WON'T let anything happen to your children and you will always be there for them. Take care.

Les, x

08-12-06, 14:16
Oh ade - what a lovely heartwarming little thread.

Good on ya hun! :D

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

11-12-06, 10:15

AWWWW what a lovely little post,it makes you realise what are the important things in life doesn't it..?

Take care,Candie xxx:D

12-12-06, 20:11
Hi Ade,

Glad to hear you had a good end to such a bad start to your day. Possibly your subconscious is still trying to deal with your abuse, I wish you well on your journey towards recovery.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

Granny Primark
12-12-06, 21:04
Hi ade,
Bless you.
Little things mean a lot to us.
Loads of luck and happiness coming your way from me.

Take care