View Full Version : Persistent Cough

12-05-14, 10:28
I have been worrying so much about my daughter lately and feel really silly posting about my cough. I had a very croaky voice 3 weeks ago and this really annoying cough. I had to prop myself up at night to get some sleep. It did seem to get a bit better but it's come back again and (sorry this is gross) I am coughing up green and sometimes white phlegm. I'm so worried about my daughter and now have this to worry about too :weep:

13-05-14, 17:58
Have you been to the doc??
they can do test and give you antibiotics for that infection in your chest!
hope your feeling better!!

13-05-14, 18:59
Sounds like a chest infection, antibiotics will clear that right up.
How is your daughter doing? X

13-05-14, 19:06
There has been a weird cough throat clearing thing doing the rounds took me three months to get rid ENT said it's viral but Go to Drs and get checked for chest infection don't worry

13-05-14, 20:52
Thank you for you replies, I just start worrying about lung cancer.......silly when I go running 5 times a week! My HA is a bit OTT at the moment but I know it's due to the fact that I'm so worried about my daughter.
Jonesle - she has her operation next Weds and should have biopsy results 10 days later. I'm supposed to be going on holiday on
9th June but I won't want to go if the results aren't in or if she needs more tests :weep:

13-05-14, 22:56
Hey Susie

Really hope your cough gets better soon. Maybe it's just the time of year or something but EVERYONE in my office has been coughing we've all been driving each other mad! Hopefully the docs can give you something to clear it up and make you feel better.

Best wishes for your daughter's op and hope you're all coping OK. Here's hoping you get some positive news after the biopsy and you get your well-deserved holiday :)

Lin x