View Full Version : Fearing holiday with friends

12-05-14, 10:44
I wasn't sure where to post this, but thought this forum was the most appropriate.
My friends have booked to go to Turkey in June, and stay at one of their villas (which looks lovely). They want me to go, and I do want to, but fear and anxiety is stopping me.
When I go on holiday I usually go with my boyfriend. He knows all of my 'quirks', and helps me through if I'm panicking about something. I suffer with health anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder, and struggle with them hugely when abroad. Not only this, I am terrified of flying.
My question is, or, the advice I'm looking for, is do I just force myself to go, or miss out. Again. I will enjoy some parts of the holiday but will find other parts hard. I worry a lot once I get to the destination about the fact I have to get back, and go through the plane ordeal again, and start worrying terribly about all the what ifs. Making a holiday experience a lot more stressful than just staying home!
What should I do? Does anyone else feel like this?
Thanks in advance xx

12-05-14, 12:51
Well, if you want a quick two pennyworth from me, I think a lot of this depends on how much you want/need your own space. Going on holiday with friends can be great for some people, if they are "joiners" and are happy to go in with what a number of other people want to do. If you like your own space (like me), then they can be a miserable experience.

My best suggestion is to weigh it up - if you tot up the advantages and disadvantages, if the "good" stuff is more than 50%, then you should be OK. If they're not, it's worth thinking about whether or not this is the right thing for you at the moment.