View Full Version : I am normal, aren't I?

08-12-06, 10:38

I am quite a confident person on the outside or so I am told, yet I worry terribly about health.

As soon as my daughters say they feel ill etc. I panic big time. My stomach turns over and I usually have to run to the toilet. I watch them like a hawk and check them constantly.

I am the same with myself. I have had a funny head for the past 4 weeks which of course makes you think the worse. I have seen the doctor 3 times and had blood tests, eyes ears etc. checked. They have all come back clear (except for slight inflamation of the sinuses which I have steroid nasel spray for) yet I find myself questioning their judgement as the headache won't go away.

I feel dizzy, hot/cold, shacky and faint which I think all indicates anxiety. I don't want to go to bed at night as I usually wake up.

The feeling of not being in control is frightening and the thought of fainting in public is worrying me, I question going out especially in the evenings.

I had similar symtons at the begining of the year and when to see a cousellor who was great but I didn't feel we were getting anywhere so only when 4 times. (the appointment took ages to come through and I felt so much better before I went).

I think I am in a vicious circle. The more anxious I feel, the more I worry about the anxiety. The more I worry, the more anxious I feel.
I need someone to break the circle.

08-12-06, 10:47
Hi nachx3
Yes you are normal, you are also a mum. When you're anxious yourself I think you also get anxious about those you love, especially your kids. I'm the same, although when its not you that is ill, you can step outside of the anxiety a little and do what needs to be done. Anxiety is like a vicious circle, breaking the circle is the hard part. Have a sit down in a quiet place and keep telling yourself to relax. It works for me
best of luck

08-12-06, 10:51
i am the same...
especially when it comes to the kids or my partner...
but not so much about myself... i find it very hard to tell anyone the panic i feel when one of them is unwell.
i am afraid i dont have any advice but just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

08-12-06, 11:05
Hi Nach,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


08-12-06, 13:15
hi and welcome,sounds like anxiety!!!you have come to the right place.There is lots of support here and helpful advise.You sound pretty stressed out and this is why you are getting all these horried symptoms.It will get better.;)

Ellen XX

08-12-06, 17:27
Hi Nach

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D

First Steps:
First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"