View Full Version : Where to go?

12-05-14, 13:22
Well I am in year 13 of anxiety that was controlled by escitalopram 20mg with reasonable effect until about 5 months ago. I started feeling it just wasn't working for me as well as it had done. I was always exhausted on it anyway so the gp changed it to Prozac 4.5 weeks ago. I can get the side effects comments as between weeks 2-3 it was hell. Increased anxiety, sleep disturbance's and poor mood were all part of this journey. Last week was better but I still have a lot of anxiety to day. I wake in the morning with very low mood, wretching, no appetite, headaches and dizziness. After I take the 20 mg I do feel slightly better after about and hour but not well enough to go back to work yet. I am so frustrated regarding my work and just want to be normal again. The question is should I get the gp to up the level now or is this normal at this stage to feel like, although some improvement is seen, I need to leave it longer.
cheers ross:weep:

12-05-14, 13:36
You're not alone, Ross. Today will be my 24th day on Fluoxetine/Prozac, and the past few weeks have been quite a journey. I got a number of symptoms, some of which have subsided, but the heightened anxiety still remains. This morning was pretty bad as I felt constantly on the verge of a panic attack, my pulse racing and intermittent feelings of dread. If truth be told, I don't feel that much better as I type this. I have an appointment with the doctor in a couple of days and I have no idea whether I am going to be able to make it there or not.

The problem with Fluoxetine/Prozac is that it takes a while to level out within your system. I've read numerous accounts of people saying that you will feel a lot worse before you feel better, and even then it's a gradual process. If you're showing signs of improvement then maybe it's an indication that it's beginning to work. I can't advise you whether to up the dose or not, but I don't think four and a half weeks is long enough for the medication to start working properly.

12-05-14, 13:54
Its just so frustrating, I went to work today and lasted an hour. It is so embarrassing. I think you are right, I need to give it some time. Everybody says go back to work it will help so I feel like a bit of a failure today. My concentration is no existent. Cheers for the reply and I hope for the day I wake up normal again, I need my life back.

12-05-14, 14:11
The majority of people that suffer with anxiety and/or depression want a quick fix, and when they are prescribed a medication that is supposed to help them, they want it work immediately. I'm the same. If you have a headache then you take paracetamol and expect to see an improvement within an hour or so. You certainly don't expect to feel worse before it starts to kick in. Those are the initial problems with Fluoxetine/Prozac, and I think it's important to bear that in mind. Try to accept that it takes a while, otherwise you may end up even more frustrated thinking it isn't working.

Having such a condition doesn't mean you're a failure or have anything to be embarrassed about. There's been a stigma for years about mental health and yet we're living in an age where it's becoming more understood and accepted than ever. We all want to feel normal again and we are all working towards that point. Some will get there quicker than others and some will have to face tougher challenges than others. I don't think there's anybody on here that wouldn't want to wake up in the morning feeling 'normal'.

I also think it's important to remember that although you may feel alone, there are a lot of people on here who are in a very similar position to you, me being one of them. I started Fluoxetine/Prozac a few weeks ago and feel a lot like you do. I'm trying to take each day as it comes, hoping the medication starts to work and I can get a grip on my life again.

12-05-14, 19:22
you are totally correct. Saw different gp who suggests moving on to 40 mg starting tomorrow. Here comes more side effects.

14-05-14, 13:52
Well day 2 of increased dosage. I have to admit it feels a bit like being hit by a hammer so far. Very difficult so far woozy and dizzy. Keep going keep motivated.