View Full Version : CBT Therapy for panic attacks - successsful or not?

12-05-14, 15:24
Has anyone ever tried CBT therapy to treat panic attacks? I would appreciate your feedback.

12-05-14, 15:31
Check this part of the forum....

CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=95)

I'll add that I used the free course here and it's helped me with some depression and "scanxiety". Generally, there are some exercises that help with everyday life but you have to work at it.

Positive thoughts

12-05-14, 15:39
Jill cbt for me was the best thing I done it really helped me it made me think more logicaly ,it gave me the tools to help get myself well again ,but you have got to work at it all the time ,if your willing to put the work in ,give it ago you have nothing to lose you have more to gain xx

12-05-14, 15:45
Thanks :hugs:

12-05-14, 18:14
Hi Jill, I am finding CBT very useful and it has really helped me put things into perspective. I agree with Mrs Stress Ed you really do have to keep working at it and it isn't easy but it does help! I feel I have a greater understanding and the tools to help me overcome my anxiety attacks but will again stress that there really is no easy fix but with perseverance and determination you can make a difference! I kinda feel I am chip, chipping away at it but the results are positive! I have recently started using the materials Fishmanpa mentioned too and find they too are helpful. Just give it a go and keep at it is what I would say and remember doing something positive can only be helpful!

12-05-14, 23:37
Agree with the others and found it very helpful....well more than helpful...a life saver but as already said its hard work at first but positive because you start to feel more in control of your own mind. X