View Full Version : Does this make anyone else's HA worse...diet.

12-05-14, 15:25
Ok will try to keep this short, don't wanna get boring. Does anyone else get hightened anxiety over everything to do with diet? Before I got HA I eat and drank all I wished when I wished and led a terrific happy life. Nothing ever brought me down worry wise. So Ha kicked in about 9 years or so and life changed. Everything and I mean everything to do with food and drink is so getting me down. If you eat cheese its bad for fat and salt. If you eat bacon it will kill you. If you leave bottled water in a car its bad for you. Red meat, coffee, tea, chocolate, biscuits, crisps, olives, ham, beer, wine almost everything thats not green or red and has a root is evil ! Ive gotten to the point where I dare not eat anything but raw veg and chicken. Part of me has gone for good with HA now the rest of me is going cos I can't be happy eating the things ive always loved.
I used to drink loads of water but now that worries me cos of more frequent toilet visits :(

Friends dont even ask me out anymore for a beer and a curry or a pizza or any of the things i used to enjoy. HA took the best of me and i know i cant overcome it. I feel now that if (God willing) there is nothing seriously wrong with me, then if I was ever to eat and drink as I have always enjoyed, I risk so many nasty diseases and conditions. I've always ate reasonably healthy, dont get me wrong, but now I'm so scared to enjoy wine or a bag of chips etc now and again.

I guess by eating nuts and green leaves I'll maybe live longer but I will just hate everyday more than I do now.

12-05-14, 15:50
To be honest I am the complete opposite - since I think I am always going to die soon I tend to eat whatever i like - and I am putting on lots of weight :(

12-05-14, 15:55
I can understand that too. I just dont enjoy even trying to eat iit now. I've been told by a close friend I will end up with an eating disorder. Ive loss weight so some tell me and it does wory me as well. Can't win.

12-05-14, 16:07
You could be in a fatal car crash too... Everything in moderation. I've had two heart attacks and cancer. I eat healthy but I don't deprive myself either.

9 years is a loooong time not to have a BLT ;)

Positive thoughts