View Full Version : Naproxen

12-05-14, 16:06
I went to the doctors today and got told I have a heart murmer (after about 7 other doctors have listened to my heart which is intresting to say the least.) and got referred for an echocardiogram.

He gave me naproxen (strong ibuprofen) to try and get rid of the constant on/off sharp pains/aches/burning I'm getting. But I'm a bit dubious to try it.
There's a lot of side effects on the packet and it says you shouldn't take it if you might have a heart problem
So... do I?
The doctor (as all of them have but 1 or 2) seem adament I'm just 'stressed' and have nothing wrong with me, or my heart. Yet suddenly I have a heart murmer.

He also said he has no reason to give me a chest x-ray so isn't going to, which I can understand, but, god, I dunno.
I guess I'm not frustrated with them but just the way the NHS is run and my situation in general.