View Full Version : Blood pressure....

12-05-14, 17:41
Can your blood pressure move around in a matter of 10 minutes?
Does it also raise when you do physical activities and lessen when you relax just like your heart beat?

Sorry for the questions haha, just curious!

Catherine S
12-05-14, 19:26
Yes, blood pressure is determined by how fast or slow your heart is beating, it works in tandem with it. And yes it can change really quickly depending on activity, stress etc. Its quite normal for it to fluctuate many times each day :)


12-05-14, 20:20
If I get really stressed my blood pressure shoots straight up.. it changes in a matter of seconds deoending how stressed/annoyed i am..

12-05-14, 20:35
Thanks you guys :)

I was a bit worried. I checked after running up the stairs it was 141/115, literally scared myself shit-less! Haha. After about 10 minutes it went to 117/88. Hopefully that's an okay area to be in

12-05-14, 21:43
Mines only 86/60 at resting and goes to 100/80 at the most... so to me thats quite high... I know my blood pressure shoots up cause my face goes bright red and my heart pounds... maybe I dont have blood pressure problems just stress...

12-05-14, 22:01
Hmm...I decided to look at a blood pressure chart, supposedly normal is 100-130

---------- Post added at 17:01 ---------- Previous post was at 17:00 ----------

Stress can definitely cause that, especially those with anxiety like most of us haha

12-05-14, 22:05
117/88 is a lovely normal blood pressure to have, you bet! :D

---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

bingjam's will be normal for her. Mine used to be on the low end too. Got a bit dizzy on standing and that kind of thing, but doc was never worried ...
jennclark, the number you're looking at is for systolic (the top number).
It's all good! :yesyes:

12-05-14, 22:23
Thank you SADnomore!

Was worried because of a gurgling feeling I keep having in my chest

13-05-14, 20:41
Is mine too low then???

14-05-14, 00:20
I work at a hospital and take at least 100 different blood pressures every day. As long as the top number isn't super low, below 85, or super high, above 160, consistently, there's no need to worry. If it goes really high or really low once in a while its no cause for concern. Mine is usually 90/65 and today at work it was 153/90. No biggie!

Today I took someone's blood pressure, it was 123/23...I retook it in the same arm without the person moving a single bit exactly one minute after the first reading, it was then 113/67 so...your blood pressure can change in the same arm from one minute to the next with no change in movement.