View Full Version : worried about my boyf-blood in urine

miss diagnosis
08-12-06, 12:12
My boyf peed a bit of blood this morning. He has no lumps or bumps or any burning sensation. I got frekaed out though in case he has an std or somthing I gave him PLease help

08-12-06, 12:26
Hi, I think this is often the sign of a urine infection. Might be worth him getting a sample checked by GP or practice nurse, as could need antibiotics to clear it up.

Is he worrying about it, or just you?

miss diagnosis
08-12-06, 12:30
he isnt worried at all. It happened before the doc said he just had a little cut. he reckons he banged it when cycling cos he has no other symptoms

08-12-06, 12:30
hi miss, sounds like a urine infection to me too. i dont think it would be an std - he probably should get it checked as urine infections can be cleared up straight away with antibiotics.


08-12-06, 12:32
Hi there
iagree that blood in the urine can be caused by a urine infection, also it might not be blood just discolouration from something he has eaten - honest!! if it continues or if you are worried get it checked out

Ma Larkin
08-12-06, 13:15
Hi, I wouldn't let this one pass. I think your b-f should get this checked out. It could be one of many things, i.e. kidney infection, bladder infection, prostate trouble, urine infection. Then again, it might not be blood, just a mimic of blood, from something he ate maybe.

Better to be safe than sorry.


09-12-06, 20:17
If he's eaten a lot of beetroot, that can look like blood.

miss diagnosis
21-12-06, 15:17
He is getting the results of tests today. doctor reckons kidney infection but im terrified i have some disease that I didnt know about and ive given it to him

miss diagnosis
23-12-06, 15:22
His tests came back clear. Just to let u know!

23-12-06, 16:05
Thats good news.[Yeah!];):);)

Ellen XX