View Full Version : Health anxiety....

12-05-14, 20:15
Hi everyone, new user, hoping this will help, I'm an 18 year old athlete who had recently recovered from a viral infection but it has left behind something that is not welcome, I have become obsessed with my heart for some reason, I have been diagnosed with anxiety and am currently taking 40mg popranolol which does seem to be helping a lot. I just can't get this obsession with my heart out of my head, I keep thinking every pain or sensation in my chest is going to be a heart attack and it's slowly taking over my life, I play football a lot and it is even effecting that. Does anxiety cause tension in the chest ??. I have even changed my diet to suit the heart, eg. Eating more foods that are good for the heart. Just looking for someone with experience of this to speak to??.


12-05-14, 22:18
Hi Callum, First of all welcome to NMP. Yes Anxiety can cause tension in the chest. I also worry about my heart because I suffer alot of chest pain due to my Anxiety. Wishing you all the best. T.c x

13-05-14, 10:26
Hi I'm new 2 this sight have just been 2 drs & he has given me fluoxetine 20mg capsules has any 1 had these wanted 2 no if any good 4 anxiety x

14-05-14, 00:46
Hey Callum,
I'm new to this site but this is exactly why I'm here--health anxiety. I lived the first 16 years of my life with an un-diagnosed auto-immune disorder and therefore I still feel like a hypochondriac. I'm 23 now and still get worried about it.

Anxiety 100% causes tension in the chest. It makes all of your muscles tense and it probably feels like your heart is beating too fast or off-beat or something. But I don't think (just based on my experiences) that it's anything to be too worried about. But if you do have questions especially if you just finished recovering from a virus then ask your doctor about it. Don't be afraid to ask questions!! It gives you the peace of mind you need.

If it helps, I'm on Prozac 80mg and Klonopin .5mg as needed.