View Full Version : More and more worries!!!

12-05-14, 20:20
The symptoms i have at the moment are, increased hunger and thirst. My mouth is always quite dry and im wanting to drink more. But the first thing i noticed was my urinating, it started with it becoming more frequent like a pregnant woman! As before it was only 5-6 maybe less. So it was a massive change so sudden. I am so very worried and upset and confused could someone please help me.
Diabetes runs in both sides of my family!
I also have a major sweet tooth....
I have high blood pressure also that im on meds for, that also runs in my family!:shrug:

Catherine S
12-05-14, 21:00
Eve, if you have family history of Diabetes, when was the last time you had a test for it?

12-05-14, 21:19
When i was 6 months pregnant, so about 8 months ago!!

Catherine S
12-05-14, 21:26
I know there's such a thing as gestational diabetes but that's usually only a temporary condition anyway. But you think you might need to ask about it now that you're not pregnant?

12-05-14, 21:38
Common side effects of citalopram include all of your symptoms, including the increased urination and thirst. When I had dry mouth with my med I seriously could drink a gallon of water a day :ohmy: That's likely what it is. You are a bit young for full-blown type 2 diabetes. But it's a simple blood test, best done first thing after fasting for 12 hours.

12-05-14, 21:38
Yeah I would go and get checked out for diabetes. . It can come at anytime...

I have a sweet tooth all the time, but come to the conclusion that I just like cake haha...

Also if they wrre your symptoms frim when you were pregnant, could you be pregnant again??

12-05-14, 22:05
After this 4th baby i got my tubes tied, but since my anxiety is at its worse i still pee like im preg, but when i got the diabetes test when i was pregnant it was fine
So yea just totally messed myself up!!!:doh:
my grandmother has it, she has 10 kids and 5 out of them has it!
So im just really on edge!!!

OOOOOOoohhhh i love cake, pies, cookies, ice cream, shakes , any snacks!!!! lol:D

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

Btw i drink lots of water!!!
its like i have to have it!
I will panic if i don't have a cold bottle of water!

13-05-14, 00:04
Lol! Now I want PIE!!! ... Or cake ...!

Hey, either, or! Ha ha!

13-05-14, 00:46
Hi eve

I'm sorry that you're having a bad time at the moment. With diabetes you pee more becoz ure drinking more rather than the other way around, but you should have a test to be sure.

13-05-14, 10:11
Or both!!! :whistles: lol would be good with me! lol

hi bettyboop!
i will be sure to have that text cause it will bother me so much if i don't, thank you!

Mr m anxious
13-05-14, 12:58
Anxiety makes your mouth dry very easily no matter how much you drink, drinking a lot makes you pee more obviously. If the doctor's suspected diabetes they'd ask you in for more tests.

13-05-14, 13:33
Hi eve, are you drinking too much water. I thought the more water you drink the better and i always tried to have clear urine. I always seemed thirsty so i kept drinking more.

The truth is though that your urine should not be clear, it should have colour to it. I was drinking to much water. Guess what happens if you drink too much water? it makes your mouth dry which can can also give the feeling of thirst, but it is not thirst, just a dry mouth.

As soon as i got colour back in my urine i wasn't as thirsty/dry.

Also, when i have had a severe anxiety day, i get a very dry thirsty mouth. It's an anxiety symptom

13-05-14, 13:52
Wow , i didnt know that! see we learn something new everyday!!
thanks you guys!!!:D

13-05-14, 13:58
No worries. I actually went through anxiety about this a couple of months ago. I promise you that it's nothing to worry about. Just read up about how much water you should drink, clear urine means your drinking too much. I bet your pee is as clear as water coming out, thats what mine was like. it's funny how we get into a state about the smallest things when we are in a big anxiety episode and blow them out of proportion. Just get some colour back in your pee and you will be right as rain

13-05-14, 15:19
Yes i blow everything up! I never used to be like this! My husband misses me, anxiety has changed me so much!!

13-05-14, 15:27
Me too, I just want to get back to my normal self. My mental illness definitely puts a strain on my relationship. Have you thought about therapy at all? Im currently awaiting my first session after having my assessment. Something needs to change, trying to beat it by myself is not working. I have four kids like you, which brings on alot of stress and stress is a trigger for the anxiety. It's a viscous circle!

13-05-14, 15:50
I totally understand! Yes i go to my first session today!!! I'm bitter sweet about it, because i dont have a baby sitter so i will have to take my 5month, 2 and 3 year old girls with me (5 year old son at school)!! She has been my counselor for 9 years so she love the kids but i just wanted some me time just to let everything out with playing (mommy is ok)!! ya know?

13-05-14, 22:48
Good luck with your first session, you will have to let us know how it went. I have to wait 2 months for my first one. You need to get someone to look aftet your kids so you can go by yourself. Its a very important thing in your life and you need to be totally focused. Can your husband not have them whilst you go?

14-05-14, 01:45
It was ok, she was sick so she went home early wants me to come back next week! I can hardly wait, it feels good to talk to someone!!!!
I wish he could, he works 7 days a week 12 hour shifts!!

14-05-14, 10:39
That doesn't sound like work, it sounds like a life! You sound like me, i am often alone throughout most of the day and i think this adds to the anxiety because it gives you so much time to think about things.

14-05-14, 17:08
Yes its very hard, i dont like being alone or spending time by myself because my mind takes over, when he is home he gets caught up on his sleep!