View Full Version : I'm sorry everyone!!

12-05-14, 20:28
:blush: I noticed that i post something everyday and you all are probably tired of seeing me and my problems but my anxiety is awful and since i have been on this Forum it has change my life and makes everything better for me!!
So please be patient with me as i try to strengthen myself and learn how to live a life with Anxiety!!

:huh:Sorry to you who are annoyed by me!!!
:bighug1: Thank you to the ones who help me when im in need!!!!

12-05-14, 20:41
Eve you post here for help and advice love thats what we are all here for to get threw this awful illness we are one big community ,and I honestly dont think you are annoying people love we are all in the same situation just all at different stages wishing you well hun xx

Catherine S
12-05-14, 20:51
Keep posting eve...despite your anxiety you still manage to hold on to your sense of humour and always make me smile :)


12-05-14, 21:17
Awe, thank you ladys so much, we will get through this!
And yes my sense of humor is who i am, it keeps me going and i love to put a smile on faces!

bless you all!

12-05-14, 21:27
Eve, you are trying, that's the thing! No worries, hun, you're not annoying anyone! Describing what's happening while you are trying to get better is fair and square, keep the faith and keep reaching out! xx
Love you, sweetie. You're adorable :)

12-05-14, 21:29
My anxiety is alot better since being on here too.. I always look back at my posts I have posted and think what the hell was wrong with me... this forum does help loads though. .

Happy Days

12-05-14, 21:56
Marie, awww thank you, love you as well love bug <3
i will keep posting! i'm glad i have all of you guys, we are here for each other!

i also go back and look at my post because my anxiety repeats its self, so i look back and read what i said look at the reply's and feel better:)

12-05-14, 22:42
I do the same thing keep looking back for the reassurance it calms me down pretty fast. I'm so glad we all have each other!

12-05-14, 22:50
:hugs: me to hun!!!

13-05-14, 12:30
Hi, I only signed up today as I have had my health anxiety back since December and have been a lurker on this board for reassurance. There is no need to apologise, this is exactly why this forum is here. We are all the same in the way we think and know what each other are going through which is a rare thing. My partner/family just get frustrated with it as they truly do not understand. This can make us feel alone, but its good to know we can come here to talk to people that understand.

13-05-14, 22:18
Hello Brindley, love the name! Well im glad your here, i hope you feel better as well! Your so right no one understands us but us! Some docs don't even understand!!
My husband and my mother are frustrated with me, they are the ones i talk to about it!!
Some days i think im going to lose it, then i get my piece of mind back!

13-05-14, 22:32
Exactly the same as me, i talk to my my fiancee and mum about it, but as much as i want to for re-assurance i dont anymore. I just get on their nerves and they don't have the patience to hear it. I should of joined here a while ago instead of just reading so i could talk to you and everybody else about it. I have good days and bad days to. Im slowly working to turn them all good at the moment though. The human mind is a powerful thing, ive just got to learn how to control mine again!