View Full Version : Does this happen to anyone else?

12-05-14, 22:45
Today I've been getting a squeezing type feeling but in certain pinpointed locations in my chest it just lasts for about 2 seconds and goes...I know it's probably nothing serious but more muscle related but does this happen to anyone else?

13-05-14, 00:59
I get this, along with pain that makes me feel quite ill.
I've seen so many doctors and none seem even remotely concerned.
They have scheduled a few tests though, it's always good to be on the safe side, maybe they can do the same for you!
Take care. xxxx

Mr m anxious
13-05-14, 13:00
Are you active? Do you exercise or are you too cautious?

13-05-14, 13:25
I've had that in the past.

15-05-14, 00:34
Well lately I haven't been active due to uni exams, but normally, I workout 3-5x a week.