View Full Version : Citalaplam and Mitazapine

13-05-14, 00:54
Hi I'm new to this forum. Three weeks in on mirtazapine. Been on Citalaplam for years. Should I still be feeling horrible with side effects three weeks in? Just cant stop thinking negatives all the time

13-05-14, 10:47
I have been on cit for a month now still with lots of side effects i would say not as bad as the first 1,2 and 3 weeks!!

Hope you feel better soon!!!:hugs:

13-05-14, 11:56
Mirtazapine can take about 4 weeks to begin settling. I got the side effects on day 2 and they did not lessen much until a week after my dose was upped to 30mg (4 weeks after starting 15mg). Their side effects seem to be notorious for being awful so it's just a case of hanging in there. It will get better :)

15-05-14, 17:22
Without wishing to put you off, I didn't have a very good experience with Mirtazapine.
I felt angry, groggy and generally not myself. The doctor gave them to me so I could sleep better, which it did make me drowsy after I'd taken it, but the side effects were too much for me. I came off it and felt a whole lot better.

Maybe stick it out for a month or so, if you don't feel right have a chat with your doctor.