View Full Version : Anxiety off the scale just now

13-05-14, 03:31
Its stupid o'clock in the early hours and my anxiety is as bad as it can get. my chest hurts, I feel like I will explode. I have so much stuff to get done, deadlines to meet, it has just overwhelmed me. I feel like I'm having stroke or something. everyone else is asleep and I'm awake worrying myself sick but I cant shake it off. Why can't I roll over and go to sleep?
Right now I'm not in a good place where home is concerned so that doesn't help, I'm tied financially and can't get out. Relationship with other half is at rock bottom, business is dropping off..............so there we are, no wonder I'm anxious.
This is the first time I have written those facts down, and read them back to myself.
Thanks for listening, needed to get things off my chest.
Going to do some deep breathing and try meditating now.

13-05-14, 08:19
Hi Pansy I am pleased you have been able to write this down. You have a lot going on at the moment so no wonder you are more anxious. Try to deal with one problem at a time. Write down your thoughts and what you can do to make it more positive. Things always seem so much worse during the night as we tend to ruminate on the problems more. (hugs)

13-05-14, 21:42
Thank you Annie for your kind thoughts.
I'm feeling a bit better, and getting things prioritised in my head. You are so right, things do seem much worse at night. In the cold light of day these problems don't seem as bad.
I'm still feeling a bit wired up but that could be down to tiredness.
(Hugs to you, and thanks)