View Full Version : Now I'm panicking about my eye

13-05-14, 07:45
Pretty sure there is something wrong with my left eye, or there is something behind my left eye.

It's been aching a bit, along with my neck on that side on and off for a while, but since last night it's been aching/stinging constantly.

Last night I rubbed my eyelid when it was closed and it feels more bigger/harder than my other eye. After lots more staring at myself in the mirror in pretty sure it looks bigger also.

I know the outcome of this can't be good.

I've also noticed in the same eye I sometimes see a black blob in the corner when I blink and look to the side. It's not there all the time but comes and goes. It's almost like there is something stuck on my eyelash or side of my face that is catching my vision but there never is.

I'm going to try and see an optician but I'm really scared.

13-05-14, 08:13
Yes you should see an optician. I am sure there is nothing seious to worry about but it the only way you will get the reasurance you need.

13-05-14, 18:36
Thanks for your reply.

I saw the optician and he found nothing wrong apart from dry eyes and my eyes were a bit scratched. He carried out vision tests, took pictures of the back of my eye and checked the pressure. I am to go back Thursday if it's still hurting where he will put special drops in and have a look deeper inside the eye but he doesn't think anything is wrong.

13-05-14, 19:14
Hi love this happened to my brother he had to have eye drops every morning and evening he was like you his eyes were very dry he is fine now so dont worry xx :hugs: