View Full Version : Alternative therapy... Working incredibly well!

Mora Mora
13-05-14, 11:12
Hi all,

So last time I posted here I was really in a bad place, my anxiety with money and other things were just crushing me. So I decided to take the plunge and booked in for hypnotherapy sessions.
Well I've had 2 sessions so far and I can't believe the results already. I feel lighter and brighter and don't have the worries of the world on my shoulders. She works on moving my thinking over to the left side of my brain as I spend all the time in the right where my brain thinks I'm in danger.
I've never felt like this before and even my worries about spending are starting to lift!
I've got 5 more sessions and I am so so excited to see the results... I'm actually thinking I could even be "cured". I would recommend this all day long... :D

Mora Mora x

13-05-14, 11:37
I remember you yeh. Thats brilliant ! Lots of people have been enquiring about hypnotherapy so theyll be glad to see this thread i imagine.

Glad its working for ya :D

13-05-14, 11:58
Excellent stuff that you're getting better. I am so pleased that it's working well for you. Keep it up and let us know how you're getting on :)