View Full Version : Hiding Panic Attacks/Anxiety from Freinds

13-05-14, 11:21
Hello everyone, my name is Barry and i am new to this Forum. I used to be a Member of 'No more Panic' a few years ago and used their telephone recovery program.

Does anyone else hide their Anxiety/Panic from friends? I told a friend the other day about my Panics etc and they were quite surprised i hid it so well!!

I've only told family members and close friends, it does feel better to share and get things off your chest. I have suffered since i was 16 years old and i am now 41.

I have taken Sertraline in the past which did help and got me living again. I still suffer but i seem to get by. i guess we all do?!

Thanks for reading

Barry :D

13-05-14, 17:21
:)Hi Barry,
I can relate to you. I have hidden my panic attacks from my family for 7 years now. If I have to be around them and I'm anxious at the time I fill up on Urbanol and Rescue Remedy. I am finding it increasing difficult nowadays and avoiding any family events. I'm starting with a new therapist next week - let's hope for positive results. Thanks for sharing. J

13-05-14, 17:40
Hi and welcome to nmp. I dont have panic attacks but do have health anxiety and general anxiety which I hide from everyone. Its hard work and most people would be amazed if they knew what I was really like. Thank goodness I found this place.