View Full Version : CT scans-A lifetime of worries

13-05-14, 14:40

I am new to this thread, but having a HA flare-up, and need to get it all off my chest.

I'm smart, but not rational when it comes to health, and the "ifs" will eventually kill me!

I teach English abroad, and currently do so in Singapore. I am from the states, but having my health scare here has been...interesting.

In September/October/November I started losing weight, and found a lump in my right breast. I went to a breast surgeon, had an ultrasound and an MRI, and while they could feel the lump (which is still there) all was normal on the scans. I found a lump in my neck the next week, and went to a doctor who sent me to an ENT who did a scope of my neck, and referred me to a GNT for the weight loss. The gastro booked me for a CT scan 4 weeks later. I subsequently had a panic attack (was admitted to the ER for back pain) and the docs there did a full body CT. I have no clue why that was necessary. Nothing was found, and they released me. I saw my doctor again, to see if the scan was necessary. He said it was because the ER scan was done at a different phase, and did not show the gastro tissue. So in I went for another full body scan, of which showed swollen nodes, but luckily no lymphoma as is what they were looking for.

Fast forward to now, nearly 6 mos later, and I have barely thought about it. Until I read an article on CT and radiation. I knew there was a risk, I just didn't know how big the risk was. Now I'm in a panic as I've been exposed, unnecessarily so. What are the risks really? I'm seeing all sorts of data and literature on children and older folks, but nothing in my age group. I had these scans within 4 weeks of each other, and I know there is nothing to do about it now, but what are the chances of me really developing something in the future? Is there anyone with a similar experience to mine?

Eesh. Healthy organic eating and exercise are what I prescribe myself to stay sane and calm. But this new fear is looming over me like a dark cloud every single day. Words or thoughts and positivity is what I need! Hopefully with someone from experience. Anyone?

13-05-14, 15:14

There is no real answer to this question. Some can have loads of scans and never get cancer and I don't think stats will help as you will think you are one of the unlucky ones.

I have had loads of CT scans too but don't even think about it now as I can't change it and it is in the past.

I really wouldn't worry about it if you are fit and healthy.

13-05-14, 15:29
Just to put this in perspective. You've had what?... 3-4 scans?

I had cancer and radiation treatments to my head and neck, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. When they put the mask on and strapped me down, the Tomotherapy IMRT machine did a CT scan to double check the locations, distances etc. of the radiation beams. I had 30 CT's in 6 weeks and that's not counting the several before and after treatment to check me out or the MRI's, x-rays, CT scans etc in my 55 years on this earth. The possibility exists that the radiation that eradicated the cancer could give me cancer! It is what it is. I really don't worry about it as I'm thankful each and every morning when I open my eyes. I don't have time to worry as I have too much living to do ;)

All you can do is all you can do. There are no ways to eliminate risk in your life whether it's from walking out the door to medical procedures. The key is learning to deal with it and enjoy your life.

Positive thoughts

13-05-14, 17:02
I have a few scans done in the last 12-18 months before I thought I had bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer etc. (CT scan, abdominal ultrasound, MRI scan also a nuclear scan etc.
This year because of I have NF I request to have a MRI brain scan, I had one done in 2003 last time and the thing in my brain last time had got smaller (nothing serious but I still went for it) a few dental x rays.
As nomorepanic and Fishmanpa entry there is nothing you can do now you had the scans

14-05-14, 02:58
But how do you not think about it, and how do you not troll the Internet for statistics and then live with all of that information. It's like a day to day struggle, trying not to think about it. I feel doomed. And it's ruining my life.

14-05-14, 12:56
But how do you not think about it, and how do you not troll the Internet for statistics and then live with all of that information. It's like a day to day struggle, trying not to think about it. I feel doomed. And it's ruining my life.

I guess you would treat it as the HA sufferer treats smoking. I see many who fear smoking related illnesses that smoke! How do they handle the fact that they're smoking and trolling the internet for cancer related symptoms? (they ignore it)

The fact is, the chances are far, far, far, FAR less you'll be detrimentally affected by having the scans then by smoking, drinking or even just leaving your home. How many other things do you do in your life that expose you to risks? Do you constantly look up statistics on them? (traffic accidents, falls in the home etc.) It comes down to acceptance.

Positive thoughts

15-05-14, 10:40
Thank you for your positivity fishmanpa:). It always helps to have an optimistic response!