View Full Version : I worry about everything!

13-05-14, 17:43
Worry makes you sick, I know that but I just cant help it. I've been like this since I can remember, how will it ever change? Can I ever change? I worry about my health more than anything but money as well as others and I'm so tired of it, it's exhausting!!

13-05-14, 22:14
You get more of what you focus on.

Spend all your free time tomorrow looking for things that make you laugh.

Think of a practical joke you can do on someone in your day that will absolutely crack you up and leave you laughing so much you can't get up off the floor.

You get MORE of what you FOCUS on. Stop focusing on worries. It's a bad HABIT.

14-05-14, 17:55
Yes, it is possible to change yourself (coming from somebody who had daily panic attacks high anxiety constantly to now being panic attack free for 15 months with reduce anxiety).

It takes commitment, perseverance (when it gets tough) and patience to tackle the anxiety. Try dealing with worries face on with a rational mind and try to let go of worries that you have no control over or are of little importance to you. Sounds easier said then done, I know, but it does work.