View Full Version : I need help,advice, positivity and people to talk too...

13-05-14, 18:19
Okay so I am feeling so fed up and frustrated at the
Moment, I have posted
Before about my stomach I had an ultrasound and endoscopy ce
Back I have gastritis,because of the acid in my tummy probably stress related! Isn't everything! Since the endoscopy I am now feeling better tummy wise but I knew it would be somthing else! On Sunday I got sooo dizzy room spinning went to out
Of hours doctors and he said I have some fluid behind my ear or somthing could be that but he then went on to warn me about having a stroke obviously worst thing to say to someone with serve health anxiety! I then spent the whole evening worried about this! I know think I have a brain tumor or going to or had a stroke, I look in the mirror think my face has dropped on one side, get tingling/ dead hands and feet, feel off faintly balanced like I will fall back wards or when walking feel like I'm being pulled on left not even the side with fluid! Head ache, eye pressure, looking at bright sky hurts my eyes and tension in my eyes I think. I thought maybe health anxiety but now I'm even doubting I have that and believe it is somthing bad but how can it change from
Thing to thing! I am finding this soo difficult and never felt suicidal in my life! But I have a 7 month baby who is perfect and I'm only 23 and have no quality of life ! when my partner is at work I do nothing apart from go to doctors! I take propanol and started on olanzapine and booked in to start. Cbt !! I need help and positive stories to motivate my self actually no idea what I need but please if you can help at all I'm desperate xxx I wake up motivated and it's gone by midday and I am a mess!! X

---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

Sorry if post don't make sense trying to juggle things

13-05-14, 18:39
Hi littlemisssunshine, I truly feel for you, I'm trying so hard to beat health anxiety but it just takes time, I started on some as and when tablets but they are not working and I have a follow up appointment wi my gp Thursday, but already I have a list of health concerns for her to check on. I want cbt and will pay myself for it if I can't get it in my area (which is essentially what my gp told me)
I, like you, feel great in the mornings but throughout the day I get worse, looking at things, worrying about various twinges, lumps, bumps, spots, moles, aches, pains. By this time I'm a nervous wreck.
I've stopped telling my partner that I'm seeing the gp and doing it behind his back, how sad is that? My parents think I'm nuts, keep telling me I'm stupid etc.
we keep trying and we will get through this x

13-05-14, 19:05
I do exactly the same!! Don't tell my partner I been at gp, I went today and never told him said I was at the shop when he called on his break! My parents also think I'm nuts too! I don't even think it's health anxiety anymore i have convinced myself I do not have health anxiety everyone is missing it! But then I think the doctor didn't even say it's health anxiety!

13-05-14, 19:07
why would an out of hours Dr warn you that fluid behind the ear or dizzyness in a 25 year could possibly be a stroke, I would contact your local authority to complain unless he sent you for all the tests asscossiated with strokes.

13-05-14, 19:13
Yep me too. Sneaking around behind my husbands back as he is fed up with me and my health anxiety. I went to the opticians a few weeks ago (stupid eye worry) and I am going to the dentist tomorrow and he doesnt know. I dont tell anyone else how horrid I am feeling either. Its so sad and lonely and a sorry state of affairs when your partner does not support you but then again I cant blame him. And I also dont understand why this doc would have mentioned a stroke to you either.

13-05-14, 20:07
No other tests literally said about a stroke and said to go straight to a and e, I then asked if he thought I was going to have a stroke he said well I don't know what would happen in the next 20 mins to myself let alone you! X

---------- Post added at 20:07 ---------- Previous post was at 19:14 ----------

I mentioned it to my normal doctor and she have a funny look as if to say what an idiot. Just want feel better and some positivity x

13-05-14, 20:19
I was sent by an on call doctor that my swollen lymph nodes could be cancer (among other things) and she sent me to a general surgeon who said that the only way to know for sure was a biopsy. No examination by either one btw. Anyway, I decided to go back to my own doc who actually told me that the surgeon was clearly on something to rush into a biopsy like that, especially since she did a full exam and is fairly certain they are reactive nodes. My chiropractor asked the name of the surgeon so as to never refer to him because he is so knife happy. My point it, where possible, try to stick with your own doctor, if you trust her. When they know your history they can treat the whole you, not just the facts you present at a specific time.