View Full Version : Can anxiety give me chest pains

13-05-14, 18:28
I have been getting a sharp stabbing pain in my chest (left side) on and off for the past few days. I had the exact same thing a couple years ago and had EKG. Everything was normal. Dr told me my heart was healthy (2 years ago). I had a doctors appointment a week and a half ago, was given antibiotics for swollen lymph nodes and also basic blood test. Blood test came back normal and blood pressure was totally fine. The pain I am getting is mostly when I breath in or lean forward. I am in a healthy BMI range, and am 36 years old. No history of heart disease in my family (that I know of - estranged father died of causes unknown to me, one grandfather died of Alzheimer's related causes, 3 grandparents and one mother alive and well). So, my guess is that this pain is not a heart attack- I'd obviously be on my way to the ER if I thought it was. But I'm wondering, since I had my lymph node scare a couple weeks ago and I bought a house 6 days ago, and I have flank pain on the left side that I think is related to my antibiotics, but can't be sure but it is stressing me - I am starting to think the stabbing chest pain may well be stress related. Anyone else experience this.

13-05-14, 19:16
Yup. :)

13-05-14, 19:17
Sounds like costochondritis which it is safe to google if you want to do that.

13-05-14, 19:57
Costochondritis sounds exactly like what it is. Thanks for giving me a google safe option :-). I wish every ailment were so easy.