View Full Version : Seratonin syndrome?

13-05-14, 21:03
Hey all,
New to the boards. Had what I believe to be my first full blown panic attack about a month ago out of the blue for no reason at all. I have been perscribed 20mg adderall for ADD for several years and have never taken more then recommended or abused them in anyway. Is it possible still that I may have experianced a an attack from seratonin syndrome? The panic attack did subside after about a minute but since then I have had to take sick leave from work and have started prozac because I was constanly worrying when the next attack would strike. I am scared to continue the prozac in case it would only be magnifying the symptoms from SS. I was originally started on 20mg of prozac but woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible panic attack and tingly feeling so my doctor dropped me down to 10mg to get my body accustomed to the drug before moving up again in a week. I'm on day 2 now and actually feel pretty good and haven't noticed the bad sides I had at 20. Just seeing if anyone out there has experianced seratonin syndrome and what exactly the symptoms were they experianced. Like I said earlier I was in the best places of my life when my initial panic hit and that's why it's so hard for me to accept. Thanks.

13-05-14, 21:34
Hello and welcome Bgary530 I have never had this reaction I believe its can be caused when first taking ADs or upping them ,did your doctor tell you thats what it was ,glad you could join us you will find plenty of people who can help you and give good advice xx :D

13-05-14, 21:47
From what I've just read serotonin syndrome can be caused by taking an antidepressant plus adderall but not really from just adderall.

It says a side effect of adderall alone is anxiety.