View Full Version : Made myself chuckle

13-05-14, 22:04
So this morning I could hear a high pitch sound when I was lying in bed , it's bothered me all day as I do suffer with mild Tinitus anyhow but I was convinced I had a brain tumour, have just got back into bed heard it again and straight away googled brain tumours and tinnitus one article said visit doc if it's in one ear , well I shot out bed made my son lie in my bed and asked him what he could hear , he said a high pitch sound , turns out my phone charger was plugged in next to me and it was making a sound ! Derrrrr why am I may crazy person lol x

14-05-14, 08:11
This made me laugh Rebecca, it just shows how our minds can go into over drive :)

14-05-14, 14:08
Ha ha ha ha ha.... nice one:roflmao: