View Full Version : Im me again! here to listen to anybody who needs a chat xx

13-05-14, 22:36
Hi im Jen I used this forum around 6 months ago I had to make new account because I forgot all my other details. Anyway I will just update you with my story; 6 years back I was 18 with a 1 year old baby boy, shortly after his birth I started to feel low and unmotivated, this then led to depression! I kept this feeling in for 3 years yes 3 years! I finally had enough and told my mum how I was feeling I felt like I was going to die I dont how but I felt like It was coming soon such a horrible feeling.. we went to the doctors and I was put on anti-depresents thry worked after a while I felt fine and new! 2 years later I have my baby boy he is 15 month now (Sorry if dates dont add im just quessing the time scale) everything was fine after my baby was born untill he was 3 months I had this thought I am going to die of cancer I focused on a mole on my back checking it in the mirror over 100 times a day I had panic attacks.. Back the doctors I went convinced I would get the dreadful news I was going to die.. I got put on anti depressents got referred to get my mole check even though doctor said it looked fine I pushed her to refer me! everything was fine with my mole thank god... then I would pick something else up what a nasty cylce it was! I kept at my medication and thought positive took every day as it came.. I am happy to now say I have been of the medication for 5 months I no longer hace negative thoyghts I can live life been Me feeling "normal" whatever everyones normal is... I am here now to help other people if you need a chat do not hesitate to contact me I have been a my own dark place before but there is always a brighter path to follow... I wish you all the luck in the world xxxxx:yesyes: